Talk Is Cheap.....AND Fun!
NO 900 #.....NO Credit Cards Just Pick Up The Phone & CALL! Talk to our SEXY & HOT, young girls! They will talk about ANYTHING! 24 Hours A Day! NO Charge For The Girl's Services! You pay for the long distance charges (as little as .30 cents a minute) Economy Plan: Call us as a group and split the charges! SHY....... Then call and just listen. You'll be amazed at some of the wild fantasies! Why pay for expensive 900 numbers, when you can talk to our hot and sexy babes for as little as .30 cents per minute. This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER to introduce our girls and our GREAT new service. Don't delay, call today! 011-592-1773 (24 hrs.) You MUST be 21 years old to participate.
participants (1)