A person who counsels to fail to comply with the Act
Check out this bit of american slavery: "Failing to register or otherwise comply with the Military Selective Service Act is, upon conviction, punishable by a fine of up to $250,000, impris- onment for up to five years, or both. A person who knowingly counsels, aids or abets another to fail to comply with the Act is subject to the same penalties." www.sss.gov/teach3.pdf (for teachers, note) And this anti-FIJA bit: Except as may be authorized by a judge, no person or entity shall distribute or attempt to distribute any written materials tending to influence, interfere, or impede the lawful discharge of the duties of a trial juror, or communicate or attempt to communicate with any person summoned, drawn, or serving as a trial juror in the Superior Courts in Los Angeles for purposes of influencing, interfering, or impeding the lawful discharge of the duties of a trial juror in, or within 50 yards of any public entrance to, the facilities within which the Superior Courts conduct jury trials within this County. (Rule 5.2 added and effective 7/1/97.) http://www.co.la.ca.us/courts/superior-auc/CourtRules/Chapter5.htm#5.2
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