Re: Children's Privacy Act

From: IN%"" "Lauren Amy Gelman" 23-MAY-1996 14:26:28.11
The text of the Children's Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act is available at the Epic "Children's Privacy" web site:
Read it before you trash it!
I have examined it; I see no reason to change my stated opposition to it. Quite simply, it is an invasion of the privacy rights of businesses to force them to turn over such information as the law demands they turn over; it is an invasion of the property rights of businesses to mandate what they do with the information they have received and consequently own. -Allen

Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 24-May-96 Re: Children's Privacy Act by "E. ALLEN SMITH"@ocelot.
I have examined it; I see no reason to change my stated opposition to it. Quite simply, it is an invasion of the privacy rights of businesses to force them to turn over such information as the law demands they turn
over; it
is an invasion of the property rights of businesses to mandate what they do with the information they have received and consequently own.
From a strict libertarian standpoint, it may implicate property rights. I won't argue that.
But I tend to think of my (and individual) privacy rights as ones that should receive greater attention than a businesses "privacy rights." If they have mailing list info on me, I'd like to know where they got it. -Declan
participants (2)
Declan B. McCullagh