Welcome GameSpot and VideoGameSpot!
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZDNET ANNOUNCEMENT 2/24/97 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you like to play games? No, not those kinds of games! You know, PC or video games. If the answer is absolutely, sometimes or even just maybe, then you'll want to check out GameSpot and VideoGameSpot. These are the hottest, and most fun sites on the Web for information about PC and video games, bar none! (They are so good, they are now serving as the Games Channel on ZDNet!) GameSpot (www.gamespot.com) gives you the most up-to-date reviews, demos, news, in-depth features, strategy guides, previews, hints and cheats on all of the latest PC games and hardware. They cover everything from the most hyper action games to the more sedate, but mind-wrenching puzzle games, and give you what you need both before you buy a game and after you bring it home. No one else's online coverage of the PC game industry even comes close. VideoGameSpot (www.videogamespot.com) provides this same information, but about video games played on the Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation and Nintendo64 consoles. Of course you can't download a demo of a video game, so they provide custom quick-time movies to give you a tantalizing taste of each title. Both sites encourage readers to submit their own reviews of games. Think their review stinks? Submit your own and show the world that you're the real expert! And if winning free games or hardware has appeal (not unlike a lemon), then point old man browser over to these sites, PRONTO!! GameSpot and VideoGameSpot give away thousands of dollars in prizes every month (almost $40,000 in February). The contests are simple and fun, and there are hundreds of winners who could tell you how easy it is to get a free game in the mail. (Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!!) To visit the sites, go to the URL's listed below, or link to them from the ZDNet Games channel (www.zdnet.com/games). See you soon at GameSpot and VideoGameSpot! ZDNet Games http://www.zdnet.com/games GameSpot: http://www.gamespot.com VideoGameSpot: http://www.videogamespot.com ________________________________________________ ZDNet Announcements are periodic notices of new features, special events and free offers available to members of ZDNet. --To subscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to: zdnet_announce-on@lists.zdnet.com You can leave the subject and body blank. --To unsubscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to: zdnet_announce-off@lists.zdnet.com You can leave the subject and body blank. ________________________________________________ Powered by Mercury Mail: http://www.merc.com
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