Re: Declan as a Budding Washington Insider

Paul Bradley wrote:
I must side with Declan here, true, sometimes Declans articles show a subtle hint of insiderism <tm>, but I believe that is an inevitable consequence of working around people in D.C. who don`t want to be directly associated with certain statements, to quote them against their will would be journalistic suicide and would soon see Declan with no contacts whatsoever.
The editor of the main newspeak print media for the area I live in told me that their reporters are instructed to write their articles so as to be readable to someone with an eighth grade education. I certainly do not envy Declan for being in the position of having to make his articles readable for the people who are still trying to find the "Any" key while trying not to leave the cypherpunks with the impression he's a fucking retard. *** Next Week *** Declan reveals who is buried in "Grant's Tomb." TruthMonger
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