Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Censorware in the Stacks (fwd)

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Subject: Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Censorware in the Stacks (fwd) From: (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) Date: Mon, 22 Dec 97 21:34:42 EST
Jim Choate <> writes:
Subject: Re: SPECIAL REPORT: Censorware in the Stacks From: (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM) Date: Mon, 22 Dec 97 15:33:03 EST
On the contary. when no library was state (meaning, taxpayer) funded, and t
Get your facts straight. The US has a library that from day 1 has been citizen supported. Every state (that I am aware of) has a state library that is funded by tax payers. Furthermore, Texas & Lousiana have had localy supported libraries and schools before they were even states.
I suggest you get your facts straight.
LOC is for the Congress. Have you tried getting in and doing your own private research? It's not piece of cake.
Wrong, the LOC is for the people. It is there (originaly) to provide a reference listing of all documents published and therefore claiming copyright. Currently it is open to any legitimate research project. I have used it on a couple of projects in the past to research writings no longer in print.
Every state has a public library NOW, just like every state has a welfare office. However I have plenty of evidence that libraries in New York were much better when there were many private ones who charged patrons for use - which was the case about 100 years ago.
New York does not equate to 'all the states'. A more than trivial point in your position. Bottem line, both Texas and Louisiana have public libraries that predate eithers entry into the Union. Go piss in that pot you lying commie sack of shit. ____________________________________________________________________ | | | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make | | violent revolution inevitable. | | | | John F. Kennedy | | | | | | _____ The Armadillo Group | | ,::////;::-. Austin, Tx. USA | | /:'///// ``::>/|/ | | .', |||| `/( e\ | | -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- Jim Choate | | | | 512-451-7087 | |____________________________________________________________________|

Jim Choate <> writes: [statist bullshit advocating government control of the libraries snipped]
Go piss in that pot you lying commie sack of shit.
Jim, If you insist on talking to yourself, please don't cc: the list. Thanks. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

At 8:48 PM -0700 12/22/97, Jim Choate wrote:
Wrong, the LOC is for the people. It is there (originaly) to provide a reference listing of all documents published and therefore claiming copyright. Currently it is open to any legitimate research project. I have used it on a
Jim, Any idea on what they define to be a "legitimate" research project? I'd hate to travel 3000 miles to research the Holocaust Lie, only to be told that my research on how the Holocaust Lie was sold to support FDR and Truman is an _illegitimate_ research project. (Not to mention having the LOC Thought Police reporting me to Interpol for arrest upon my arrival at any EEC port of entry.) --Tim May The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^2,976,221 | black markets, collapse of governments. "National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <>, on 12/22/97 at 09:48 PM, Jim Choate <> said:
Go piss in that pot you lying commie sack of shit. ^^^^^^
????? Since when is one considered a "commie" for opposing unwarented and unconstitutional intervention in the free market?!? - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a-sha1 Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBNJ83ho9Co1n+aLhhAQKh3gP+J9IoMSOP72iBJwmj9ctouzBLA65RJBIZ 4+BXoYmCwy+4tDcUrWkM7IPwEduD81vPkx+X4adA5EhziwIrKyIE8BxgQEu4jAcK Koo8uTgbPmDxCjLElTXp1LZPIggmrFMiwBjXGLrg3K/dpDrveAYGp/D/nGKh8O2C 30p+9GLnjgk= =PlYr -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (4)
Jim Choate
Tim May
William H. Geiger III