Re: Remove this link immediately

Hi Don,
Jim Choate wrote:
Hi Don,
Your hackers resource page contains a link to my GURU'S LAIR WEB site at
I don't have a hackers resource page, I do small office - home office consulting.
Please remove this link. Please do so immediately.
Short answer, no. If you don't want links to it don't put it on the net.
Don Lancaster
Synergetics Press 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552 Voice phone: (520) 428-4073 email: Visit my GURU's LAIR web site at
Know your acronymns: url = utterly rancid location net = not entirely true www = world wide wait
Jim Choate CyberTects
Your actions constitute criminal libel. You will be treated accordingly. -- Many thanks,
Don Lancaster
Synergetics Press 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552 Voice phone: (520) 428-4073 email: Visit my GURU's LAIR web site at
Know your acronymns: url = utterly rancid location net = not entirely true www = world wide wait
No more so than your trying to decide what bookstore might carry the magazines your articles appear in. Further more, even if your page were commercial access only that would in no way prohibit me from linking to it, unless you care to claim that a library or used bookstore with a computerized listing of your articles constitutes libel (it doesn't). Give me a break and go pick a fight you can win. And if you are serious please enough with the vailed threats, just give me your lawyers name and number like a good little boy. _______________________________________________________________________ | | | Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | | | | Slovenian Proverb | | | | Jim Choate | | The Armadillo Group | | Austin, Texas, USA 512-451-7087 | |_______________________________________________________________________|

On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Jim Choate wrote: [snipped]
Your hackers resource page contains a link to my GURU'S LAIR WEB site at Please remove this link. Please do so immediately.
Short answer, no. If you don't want links to it don't put it on the net.
Your actions constitute criminal libel. You will be treated accordingly. -- Many thanks,
Don Lancaster
Aside from the blatant rip-offs, I like some of Don's stuff -- but he does seem to've missed a lesson or two about the net. I especially like the list of newsgroups at which say "reposting is expressly forbidden."
participants (2)
Jim Choate
Michael Stutz