<HTML><PRE><HTML><PRE> </P><P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=4> <B>"THE PLASTIC MONEY" </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>QUESTION:</B> How would you and your Family like to have a Visa <B>"Cash"</B> Card that has; <B>No Credit Check - No Qualifying - No Interest - and <FONT SIZE=4><U>NO PAYMENTS!</U></B> <FONT SIZE=3>is accepeted around the world and best of all, IT EARNS YOU MONEY! just for <B>"Telling"</B> NOT <B>"Selling" </B>others about it! <A HREF="http://www.bittsnwhitts.com/wildcard/345/index.htm"> http://www.bittsnwhitts.com/wildcard/345/index.htm</A> While at the site, be sure to click on <B>Print Application</B> for more information. Plus Call: 1-800-995-0796 ext 1288 and just listen,.... ask them about the NEW Executive Starter Kit that makes an already great program even better!!! Like what you hear ........Tell 'em ID# 345 sent you, .... then tell your Friends! Thank You =========================================================== To remove your address from our mailing list, you must reply to: remove@bittsnwhitts.com and write remove in the subject ===========================================================. </PRE></HTML> </PRE></HTML>
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wildcardï¼ bittsnwhitts.com