Re: XS4ALL censored pages (fwd)

As we guessed XS4ALL don`t even have the guts to send us a copy of the pages they censored. Check this out...
Dear Paul,
Please send me a copy of your current pricing for web space.
Also, please send me a copy of the marajuana pages you recently removed from your web server.
Hearby you recieve information about all services from xs4all.
We don't know anything about marajuana pages so we can't send you a copy of that.
Kind regards,
<Much pricing information and rattling of the stick in the swill bucket cut>
XS4ALL Internet B.V. Sales afdeling: Postbus 1848 Email: 1000 BV Amsterdam Http://
Tel: 020-6222885 Fax: 020-5352002 Ma. t/m vrij. van 12.00u tot 20.00u
participants (1)