Laissez Faire Books - Hayek catalogue
--- begin forwarded text Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 14:09:27 -0500 Reply-To: Hayek Related Research <HAYEK-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU> Sender: Hayek Related Research <HAYEK-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU> From: Greg Ransom <Gregransom@AOL.COM> Subject: HAYEKWEB: Laissez Faire Books - Hayek catalogue To: HAYEK-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU
Hayek on the Web <<
Laissez Faire Books -- Books by or about F. A. Hayek, on the web at:
From the section 'F. A. Hayek':
"THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F.A. Hayek The classic warning of the dangers of government interventionism, it shows why state planning always undermines both political and economic freedom. It had a tremendous influence in the years after World War II. FA7139W The Road to Serfdom (paperback) 248p. $10.95 THE ESSENCE OF HAYEK edited by Chiaki Nichiyama and Kurt Leube How can a busy reader get a handle on such a prolific mind as that of F.A. Hayek? Here is a selection of essays representing the full range of his thought, drawn by two eminent Hayek scholars from the full body of his published writings. FA0118W The Essence of Hayek (paperback) 419p. $22.95 THE ECONOMICS OF FRIEDRICH HAYEK by G.R. Steele (St. Martin's Press, 1993/revised 1996) If one were to read only one book about Hayek, this should be it. Rather than criticizing Hayek's work, Steele aims to present an account of Hayek's work that is both comprehensive and concise. In this aim the author succeeds most admirably —Karen I. Vaughn, Journal of Economic Literature FA7117W The Economics of F.A. Hayek (hardcover) 262p. $19.95 HAYEK AND AFTER Hayekian Liberalism as a Research Programme by Jeremy Shearmur Shearmur, who worked with philosopher Karl Popper and now teaches at the Australian National University, chronicles Hayek's amazing intellectual journey. He excels at describing how Hayek's ideas evolved over the years, talking about the striking transition from Hayek's early writings to his later writings on legal issues, the conflicts between Hayek's utilitarian views and his moral imperative for liberty, and he offers insightful comments about how Hayek grew more conservative in some ways, more libertarian in others. FA7060W Hayek and After (hardcover) 257p. Published at $65.00 LF PRICE ONLY $24.95 HAYEK ON HAYEK edited by Stephen Kresge and Leif Wenar Hayek himself tells the story of his long and controversial career through previously unpublished autobiographical notes and interviews. "The appeal of Hayek on Hayek, I readily admit, is all the gossip in it. Of course, since much of it is old gossip, and about famous people, it qualifies as history. But it is not the kind of history professors dole out to their students." —Timothy Virkkala, Liberty FA6072W Hayek on Hayek (hardcover) 187p. $27.50 HAYEK: CO-ORDINATION AND EVOLUTION His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas edited by Jack Birner and Rudy van Zijp This book assesses Hayek's wondrous intellectual achievements. Roger Garrison, Gerald O'Driscoll, Norman Barry, Jeremy Shearmur, and a host of others examine and illuminate Hayek's views on why bureaucrats cannot produce prosperity, why socialism suppresses liberty, what drives business cycles, the dynamics of money, how social institutions develop spontaneously, and a constitutional order to protect privacy and liberty. FA5979W Hayek: Coordination and Evolution (hardcover) 372p. Published at $65.00 LF PRICE ONLY $24.95 CONTENDING WITH HAYEK edited by Christoph Frei and Robert Nef Here a group of noted European and American scholars debate F.A. Hayek's most important ideas about a free society. John Gray, Hans- Hermann Hoppe, Anthony de Jasay and more focus on Hayek's social, political and legal philosophy, sometimes taking issue with each other on major questions as well as fine points. FA6342W Contending with Hayek (paperback) 228p. Published at $33.95 LF PRICE ONLY $24.95 THE IDEAS OF F.A. HAYEK narrated by Brian Crowley These audio tapes are probably the best introduction to the life and thought of F.A. Hayek that we're likely to get our hands on. The format for the tapes is a simple one: it is a two-part, two-hour radio documentary on Hayek produced for the Canadian Broadcasting Company. The narrator, Brian Crowley, introduces Hayek's life and ideas, and provides the continuity for the tapes. FA5452W The Ideas of F.A. Hayek (2 audiotapes) 2 hrs. $21.95 HAYEK, FREEDOM'S PHILOSOPHER written & produced by Eben Wilson While there are many great books on liberty, video material is hard to come by. This splendid three-part video series helps you better understand and explain his ideas which are changing the world for the better. FA6326W Hayek, Freedom's Philosopher (VHS video) 110 min. $49.95 HAYEK, THE IRON CAGE OF LIBERTY by Andrew Gamble Why did classical liberalism lose its appeal just as it triumphed? How did socialists convince large numbers of people that they were legitimate heirs to the glorious liberal tradition? Why did socialists "win" the debate about economic calculation? What was the link between socialism and Nazism? Why, having dismissed Hayek decades ago, do some socialists (they are still plenty lurking around) now turn to him as an idea man for the makeover they dream about? Gamble, a socialist professor of politics at the University of Sheffield, aims to answer these and many others questions as he reviews Hayek's prolific career and help put it in historical context. He's often annoying, because he never concedes the catastrophe of socialism, but he does do a good job of summarizing Hayek's views, he raises provocative issues, and he provides a picture of a sophisticated adversary wrestling with classical liberal ideas. In the process, he helps show how far we've come and how much farther we have to go. If we are to win the intellectual debates ahead, we must clearly understand what our adversaries are thinking. FA7381W Hayek, the Iron Cage of Liberty (paperback) 221p. $19.95" Hayek on the Web is a regular feature of the Hayek-L list.
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--- end forwarded text ----------------- Robert Hettinga (, Philodox e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' The e$ Home Page: Ask me about FC98 in Anguilla!: <>
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Robert Hettinga