Lucky Green <> wrote:
At 08:41 PM 6/2/97 -0400, Hallam-Baker wrote:
Appologists for McVeigh should consider that his actions did not advance the militia cause an iota, it destroyed it and along with it much of the right wing fringe.
"Follow the money" is usually sound advice. More general, ask "who benefits". Clearly, the constitutional militias and civil libertarians are the losers of the Oklahoma bombing. The sole benefactors are the statists and numerous government agencies.
'Nuff said,
Amen, Lucky. Perhaps it hasn't been pointed out often enough here, but this man spent YEARS in the US military, including a very brutal (if short) war. From all accounts, he attended exactly ONE Michigan militia meeting, and they kicked him out when they heard his violent rantings before the meeting was even over. There are no reports of him attending ANY other militia meetings. Is it only me, or could the phenomenon of militias being painted into (alleged) responsibility for this terrorist act not have happened in the absence of virulent anti-second-amendment-rights bias in the media? I thought so. me
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