CDT's Jonah Seiger on ISP-TV's "Real Time"
*** ISP-TV Program Announcement: Live interview with Jonah Seiger, Policy Analyst for the Center for Democracy and Technology *** *** Monday, Nov. 18 *** *** 9:00 PM ET *** Jonah Seiger, Policy Analyst and online organizer with the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), will be on ISP-TV's "Real Time" interview series this monday night. Seiger has been very active on both the crypto rights front and opposing the Communications Decency Act. He worked with Senator Burns to put the first Congressional Hearing on the Internet, played a key role in organizing an online petition which generated over 115,000 signatures in opposition to the CDA, and helped to organize the "Black Thursday Protest." We will ask Jonah questions about what the future of crypto regulation will be in the next Congress, and the efforts of the Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition (CIEC) in fighting against the CDA in the Supreme Court. This video interview can be viewed on the ISP-TV main CU-SeeMe reflector at IP, or other ISP-TV affiliate reflectors listed at See URL for more information about the ISP-TV Network To obtain Enhanced CU-SeeMe software, go to:
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