Authenticated sender is <jjn43@ix.netcom.com> Subject: Sunday Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit MASS EMAIL WORKS!!! It's quick, easy and effective!! Mass email and targeted email marketing works! With our special program we not only provide you with up to 30 MILLION email addresses, we also provide you with a terrific mass emailing software FREE. Imagine reaching 30 MILLION people! With regular advertising it would cost you in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even if your response rate was 1 out of 20 thousand you would have many prospects right now. If you are getting this message by email then you do not need any additional hardware or software. We also have TARGETED email software providing you TARGETED email lists! Our Easy Email Business Package includes: 1) 20 or 30 MILLION email addresses 2)Special Mass Email Software that allows you to send upwards of 20 to 100 thousand ads per hour(depending upon ad length, system, traffic etc.) 3) Instruction Guide 4) How to Automate your mailings 5) How to write an effective email-ad...with samples 6) A list of "Friendly" internet service providers that allow you to send mass-email on their systems 7) How to avoid Flames 8) Pages of "HOT" products to sell now...if you do not already have one :) 9) How To Guide... Operate Your Own On-Line Business Part-Time 10) The 10 Secrets Bulk-Emailers do not want you to know 11) Many other valuable tips and tools We cannot promise you success, but we know because WE DO IT, that if you EMAIL consistently, the process works. It' as simple as that... and it pays for itself with just a few orders. Also, If you need targeted email lists call us for information about our NEW Bull's Eye Gold software!! Bull's Eye Gold allows you to AUTOMATICALLY collect targeted email lists using ANY search criteria! CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION!!! (213) 980-7850 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION!!! (213) 980-7850 -------------------ORDERING INFORMATION------------------- Customer Name... Address City State Zip Phone Fax Email Address Please Check Below: _________ EASY EMAIL BUSINESS PACKAGE for just $259.00 Includes 20 million email addresses on CD, FREE bulk email software, instructions and technical support _________ MEGA-EASY EMAIL PACKAGE for just $359.00 Includes 30 Million email addresses on CD, FREE bulk email software, instructions and technical support _________ Bull's Eye Gold Software for just $259.00 Includes automated email target marketing software on CD or disks, instructions and technical support _________ Shipping & Handling (2-3 Day FedEx) $10.00 (FedEx Overnite) $20.00 __________ TOTAL (CA Residents add applicable sales tax) ******** CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ******** MASTERCARD - VISA - AMEX PLEASE CALL 213-980-7850 to process your order 8:00 am - 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time Ckecks or Money Orders send to: WorldTouch Network, Inc. 5670 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2170 Los Angeles, CA 90036 If you have questions...please call Customer Service at (213)980-7850.
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