More on the future of money in the NYT today, "Crime's New Cash of Choice," the Euro, which plans larger denominations than the mobs' favorite $100 US. If the Euro catches on, it says, the USG could lose billions in interest-free loans on stashed C-notes, unused except in the underground -- which the US turns a blind tax eye to because more revenue comes from the seignoriage. Or: On competing millenarist doomsaying, the NYT has on page one a report on an exercise last month which revealed how ill-prepared the US is to handle a germ attack, with PDDs coming shortly to address anti-terrorism (with a Czar), and the squabbles among competing agencies for intel fed shock scenarios leading to terrific stockpiles of money antidotes, preferrably all non-fictional, but not likely since the report says that the PDD the President gets aroused at is Richard Preston's "The Cobra Event" -- sold out for miles around the bunkers' intake vents of the germs' most wanted. Bear in mind that Kennedy's hard-on for James Bond shaped a generation of whiz kids looking for gory galore, the fathers of natsec implanted kids now in late boomer breakdown seeing the future all too clear, inclined to predict their end The End.
At 11:53 AM 4/26/98 -0400, John Young wrote:
More on the future of money in the NYT today, "Crime's New Cash of Choice," the Euro, which plans larger denominations than the mobs' favorite $100 US. If the Euro catches on, it says, the USG could lose billions in interest-free loans on stashed C-notes, unused except in the underground -- which the US turns a blind tax eye to because more revenue comes from the seignoriage.
Why haven't the undergrounders adopted the SF1000 note (just under $700
At 09:32 PM 4/26/98 -0400, you wrote: these days)? Nice denomination.
When was the last time you bought $700 worth of crack? :-) When freedom is outlawed.......Only outlaws will be free! If cryptography is outlawed, pomz pvumbxt xjmm ibwf dszquphsbqiz. Fun! Fast! Revealing! Try "The World's Smallest Political Quiz" at: IS AIDS A GOVERNMENT/DRUG COMPANY HOAX?
participants (3)
Edwin E. Smith
John Young