SURVEY: Trading on the Internet

--- begin forwarded text Sender: e$ Reply-To: Ian Grigg <> (by way of Rachel Willmer) Mime-Version: 1.0 Precedence: Bulk Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 12:37:41 +0100 (BST) From: Ian Grigg <> (by way of Rachel Willmer) To: Multiple recipients of <e$> Subject: SURVEY: Trading on the Internet Following on from The Spring Street Brewery's successful IPO, I am researching the nature of Internet issues of debt and equity. This envisages the use of electronic token value systems such as Digicash and the digital bearer bonds that Bob talks about. The topic is for a management report that I am writing as the final deliverable in my MBA, and has a lot of bearing on what we are trying to do within the embryonic Internet Financial System. So, making whatever assumptions you like (but please mention them), here goes with some questions: ----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<---- Would your company be interested in the idea of issuing on the Internet? What specifically would attract you to issuing on the Internet? What specifically would worry you? Would you prefer Debt (bonds) or Equity (shares) (or something more exotic)? What sort of products/services does your company sell? Do you think Internet users would be attracted enough to your company to give you money (e.g. are you the Netscape of '97)? If not the general Internet community, who would buy your shares or bonds (local community, funds, family+friends, business contacts...)? ---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---- That's it, thanks in advance for your patience. Please forward to me directly, rather than posting (but post any deeper questions as they will, no doubt, be welcome). I am not interested in direct marketing anything (and please don't ask for a list of respondents), but any interesting answers I would like to follow up by email to develop them. Indicate if you want some summarised feedback (won't be for a few weeks). -- Ian Grigg --- end forwarded text ----------------- Robert Hettinga ( e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA "If they could 'just pass a few more laws', we would all be criminals." --Vinnie Moscaritolo The e$ Home Page:
participants (1)
Robert Hettinga