Time (of CyberPorn fame) puts up a nice CDA page; commentary from PED

Netly-L is the mailing list that goes with www.netlynews.com. The traffic is quite low, and occasionally something entertaining comes by. -rich ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 05:58:20 -0400 From: Philip Elmer-DeWitt <ped@well.com> Reply-To: netly-l@pathfinder.com To: Multiple recipients of list <netly-l@relay.pathfinder.com> Subject: Re: So... Chris, a couple of omissions in your very good techwatch CDA extravaganza (http://pathfinder.com/technology/netdecency/) 1) the screening software sidebar in this week's TIME (preferably with live pointers) 2) John Perry Barlow's TIME essay from late 1995 (search TIME for "this bill is full of shit") I could argue the omission of the "cyberporn" cover round or flat. Philip Elmer-DeWitt ped@well.com TIME Magazine ped@cis.compuserve.com philiped@aol.com
participants (1)
Rich Graves