* * * * * * * P L E A S E D I S T R I B U T E W I D E L Y * * * * * * * InfoWarCon 5, 1996 Electronic Civil Defense for the 21st. Century The Convergence of the Commercial and the Military Sectors: Vulnerabilities, Capabilities and Solutions September 5-6, 1996 Washington, DC Sponsored by: Winn Schwartau, Interpact, Inc./Infowar.Com National Computer Security Association/NCSA.Com Robert Steele, OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc./OSS.Net Sponsoring Organizations: Command Software Systems Digital Equipment Corporation Norman Data Defense IBM Phillips Publications Jane's Information Group Historically, civil defense has meant to protect citizenry against hostile military actions. Today, with the specter of Information Warfare representing new challenges to late-industrial and information age nation-states, the rules have radically changed. Societies are rapidly migrating to increased dependance upon four critical interrelated infrastructures and adequate methods of protection must be developed: - The Power grid is the basis of most of modern society. With it gone, not much else happens. If you think this is just a matter of building more generators, think again--what happens if the factories that *make* the generators are taken down, too? - The Communications infrastructure: land, sea, air and satellite. 95% of military communications go over the public networks, and 100% of all financial and industrial communications. Is it worth protecting? - The Global Financial structure depends upon the first two infrastructures, and is perhaps the most vulnerable to theft and denial of service attack. 99+% of all "wealth" is digital--what happens if it vaporizes? - Transportation systems rely upon the other three. The air traffic systems require both power and communications to manage the thousands of airplanes in the sky. What happens to the thousands of airplanes in the air if air traffic control across an entire country goes down? Without all of these infrastructures properly and reliably functioning, the private sector and the national security community cannot function. No heat, no air conditioning, no food distribution, no light, no radio or TV, no Internet. Are we prepared? Do we have a a crisis response for the day money as we know it vanishes? Electronic Civil Defense will soon become a critical component of any nation's well being while the needs of both the private sector and government converge. The convergence of military and civilian interests that Mr. Schwartau predicted two years ago is happening before our eyes. Defensive and commercial postures have so intertwined as to make them indistinguishable. This Fifth International Conference on Information Warfare is an unclassified, open source forum, and will examine the myriad questions of Electronic Civil Defense from the US, International and multi-cultural perspectives. Our seasoned experts will work with InfoWarCon5 delegates to outline a framework for the vulnerabilities, threats, risks and solutions for Electronic Civil Defense. From this conference participants will be able to draw critical insights which will improve their own legislative, regulatory, financial, and operational readiness and security. Last year's Washington InfoWarCon brought together over 600 people and was covered by CNN among other major media organizations. This year key world players in information warfare from the economic, military, and law enforcement communities of over 30 countries are expected to participate. Be prepared for highly interactive sessions with plenty of audience participation. Please bring your opinions and be ready to discuss them with us all! PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE September 4, 1996 16:00 - 20:00 Registration Begins 18:00 - 20:00 Sponsored Reception for attendees, speakers, sponsors and the press. Light food fare and liquid refreshments. Meet Mr.Schwartau, Mr. Steele, Dr. Kabay and many of our other world-class speakers. September 5, 1996 6:30 - 7:50 Registration 7:50 - 8:00 Welcoming Comments and Administration: Dr. Peter Tippett, NCSA Winn Schwartau, Interpact, Inc. 8:00 - 8:30 Keynote Presentation: "National Security in the Information Age" Senator William Cohen (R-Maine) * 8:30 - 9:00 "A Commander in Chief's View of Rear-Area, Home-Front Vulnerabilities and Support Options." General John J. Sheehan, U.S. Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic, Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Command 9:00 - 9:30 "Global Finance: Protection in the Age of Electronic Conflict" Colin Cook, V.P. Information Security, Citibank * 9:30 - 10:00 "We Can't Do It Without the Private Sector" Ken Minihan, Director, NSA * 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 National Policy Reviews of Electronic Civil Defense Programs Ms. Sally Katzen, Administrator for Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, USA Dr. Anders Eriksson and Peter Wallstroem, National Defence Research Establishment, Dept. of Defence Analysis: Sweden Dr. Leroy Pearce, Canada, What is the current thinking in Electronic Civil Defense? How do plan on protecting our citizens against invisible unnamed assailants? What are the top policy makers planning for? International experts will present their views as well. 11:45 - 13:15 Sponsored Lunch 12:30 - 13:00 Luncheon Address 13:15 - 14: 30 Breakout Sessions A1 - A4 A1 A Military Briefing: The Electronic Projection of Power in a C4I World Moderated by General Jim McCarthy, USAF (Ret) Barry Horton, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I * Captain Patrick Tyrrell, Assistant Director, Information Warfare Policy, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom A2 Protecting the Global Financial and Communications Infrastructures: Weaknesses at the Transport Layer Ron Eward, Martech, Inc. One scary session. Forget about HERF Guns and hackers. Mr. Eward will tell us how to wreak disaster with a few well placed pick- axes, from New York to Palermo to Taipei. An incredible research effort with global on the generally forgotten physical underpinnings of Cyberspace. Do not miss his tremendously important findings. Messrs. Eward and Schwartau upcoming book on this overlooked topic will shake the financial global community. A3 Media Manipulation, Perception Management and PsyOps Moderated by Dr. Mich Kabay, NCSA Mark Bender, ABC News * Jim Roberts, SOLIC Neil Munro, Washington Technology How can a nation-state use the media to bend the will of an adversary, or leverage its own position prior to, in or after a conflict? Who is really using who? A4 National Defense University Session Moderator - Dr. Dan Kuehl, Professor, NDU Top students from the School of Information Warfare and Strategy, the Nation's top-level school for potential flag officers in the IW arena, will discuss their findings and concerns. 14:30 - 15:00 Break 15:00 - 16:15 Breakout Sessions B1-B4 B1 - Emergency/Disaster Planning for the Effects of Information Warfare: Moderator: Mark Aldrich, Chief Infosec Engineer, GRC International, Inc. Michael Logan, Federal Planning Associate, American Red Cross William W. Donovan, CISSP, FEMA Ken Barksdale, Association of Contingency Planners Assume the worst happens, and an infowar assault takes down major life sustaining portions of the infrastructure. What do we do about it? How do we minimize the damage and protect the victims and citizens? These esteemed experts will tell you what they think and then invite your comments. B2 Legal Liabilities and Responsibilities in Information Warfare Danielle Cailloux, Judge, Committee on Intelligence, Belgium Charles Dunlap, Judge Advocate, USAF Kenneth Bass III, Cyber-Attorney, Washington If a company is attacked and it loses significant assets, what are the recourses of the stakeholders? How do we measure and evaluate the losses and responsibility? On the military side, what constitutes an Act of War and what steps are necessary to formulate a response? B3 The Forensics of Information Wafare for Law Enforcement Moderated by Michael Anderson, New Technologies Investigation Division Howard Schmidt, Director, AF Office of Special Investigations Ken Rosenblat, Santa Clara County Prosecutor, Author "High-Technology Crime: Investigating Cases Involving Computers" How can you tell you are under attack? Once you determine you are, how do you make a case which will stand up in court? How do you collect evidence? How do you involve law enforcement without compromising your efforts? Experts share years of experience with you. B4 Naval Postgraduate School Session Moderator: Dr. Fred Levien, NPS Top field grade students from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California will present InfoWar papers and concepts. 16:15 - 16:45 Break 16:45 - 18:00 The Hacker/Underground and Social Engineering Moderated by: Nic Chantler, Australian Intelligence (Ret) Andy Mueller-Maguhn, CHAOS Computer Club, Germany Chris Goggans, co-founder, Legion of Doom, USA John Gilmore, Electronic Frontier Foundation If you've ever wanted to know how hackers think; what makes them tick and how they became the first Information Warriors, here are the people who can answer your questions. These sessions are among the most popular at every InfoWarCon. Gilmore will present his unique concepts for Defensive Information Warfare. 18::00 - 20:30 Sponsored Reception/"Live Hackers" Off-Line September 6, 1996 6:30 - 7:50 Continental Breakfast 7:50 - 8:00 Opening Remarks and Administration 8:00 - 8:30 "Domestic Law Enforcement and Electronic Civil Defense" Louis Freeh, Director, FBI * 8:30 - 9:00 "The Convergence of Military and Civilian Defense" General Jim McCarthy, USAF (Ret) 9:00 - 9:30 "What is National Security?" Michael R. Nelson, Ph.D. Special Assistant for Information Technology White House Office of Science and Technology Policy 9:30 - 10:00 "Building a Society from the Net Up" Pedrag Pale, Chairman of the InfoTech Coordinating Committee, Ministry of Science, Technology and Informatics, Croatia 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:45 The Russians are Coming Moderated by: Greg Treverton, Director of National Security Program, Rand Corporation From academia to the military to their business community, the Russians have been thinking long and had about Information Warfare. Here's what they have to say. Get front row seats and be ready to ask your questions. Dr. Victor I. Solntsev, Assoc. Prof. Moscow State Tech. Univ. "Information Warfare and Human-Operator Security" Dr. Dmitry Chereshkin Russian Academy of Sciences; Editorial Board, "Information Infrastructure and Policy." Dr. Georgy Smolian Russian Academy of Sciences and Scientific Council "Democratization of Russia and Information Security." 11:45 - 13:15 Sponsored Lunch 12:30 - 13:00 Luncheon Address 13:00 - 14: 15 Breakout Sessions C1-C4 C1 Corporate Civil Defense: Moderated by Don Sortor, Director Security Prgms, Corp. InfoSec., Motorola, Inc. A team of cross-industry experts from the primary infrastructures, will examine how industry and government can and should interact in the event of an Electronic Pearl Harbor. What is the role of the company and its management? What policies should be put into place to prepare for the malicious Acts of Man? How should the government work with the private sector to mitigate damages? These experts will set you on the right track. C2 Denial of Service in the Private Sector: The Nuclear Weapons of the Information Age: Magnetic Weapons from the Military to Electronic Pipe Bombs Carlo Copp, Defense Analyst, Australia Kelly Goen, Penetration and Security Engineer Get Seats Early! Magnetic weapons; directed energy weapons; HPM; HERF Guns; electromagnetic pulse cannons and EMP. Learn about the latest in high energy weapons systems and how they can be used to attack and destroy critical electronically based infrastructures. Then find out what the terrorist can do with home-brew electronic pipe bombs. C3 The Net Under Attack Dr. Dorothy Denning, Chair, Computer Science Dept., Georgetown Univ. Jim Christy, Permanent Subcommittee Investigations U.S. Senate (And USAF OSI) What makes an attack on the Internet and what do we do about it? Ms. Denning is an internationally recognized expert who will guide us and her panel of experts through the maze of possibilities. Incredibly valuable for security professionals. C4 USAF School of Advanced Airpower Studies Moderated by Col. Richard Szafranski, USAF, Air War College National Military Strategy Col. Szafranski and his top students will discuss their views, opinions on Information Warfare. The USAF SAAS has produced some of the most revolutionary papers in IW, including the now globally recognized papers on taking down telecommunications and national power systems. 14:30 - 15:00 Break 15:00 - 16:15 Breakout Sessions D1-D4 D1 Anonymous Global Banking: Pitfalls and Solutions Moderated by Bruce Schneier Kelly Goen, Security Engineer Eric Hughes, Cypherpunks Phil Zimmermann * How does anonymous international banking work? Is it merely a front for Criminal Central? Or is there a true value? How do conventional banking institutions view it? What about cryptographic solutions? Are your funds "naked on the Net today? Come see for yourself! D2 The Ethics of Information Warfare Moderated by Winn Schwartau Col. Phil Johnson, Judge Avocate, USAF Dr. Dan Kuehl, NDU While CNN is looking over your shoulder, as a military commander, here is your choice: either use a precision smart bomb which will immediately kill 20 civilians for the world to see. Or, use a non-lethal IW weapon, no immediate TV deaths, but a predicted 200 civilian collateral fatalities within 30 days. What do you do? The Ethical conundra of Information Warfare will be examined from all perspectives. Or: you have been attacked anonymously--you suspect one party, without proof--another attack is coming. What now? Should we develop new intelligence capabilities to permit precision detection and response in cyberwar? D3 National Information Assurance: Cooperation is the Key to Safeguarding Communications, Power and Transportation Moderated by: Major Brad Bigelow, Office of the Manager, National Communications System Jeff Sheldon, General Counsel, Utilities Telecommunications Council Steve Fabes, Director of Electronic Delivery Services, BankAmerica Carl Ripa, VP National Security/Emergency Preparedness, Bellcore Experts from the major civilian infrastructures will discuss how past cooperation between industry and government has echoed economic realities. The bulk of the nations information infrastructure is not under the economic or regulatory control of the Federal government. So, how do we maintain a healthy balance between private initiative and legislative and regulatory actions? Today there is no "due diligence" standard which requires that communications and computing services be guaranteed in terms of security and data integrity. Our panel will provoke an active discussion of remedial cooperative measures. D4 "Understanding and Defending Against Industrial Espionage and Information Terrorism." Tom Fedorek, Managing Director, Kroll Associates New York* Matt DeVost TITLE COMING Charlies Swett, Acting Deputy Director for Low-Intenstity Conflict Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict A look at how modern espionage and information is conducted, why it's done and who's doing it. How much can it cost your company and how can you tell if you're targeted? Do not miss this fascinating session which is expected to feature the Kroll Managing Directors from Paris, London, and New York. 16:15 - 16:30 Break 16:30 - 17:00 Wrap Up: "What is War?" Moderated by Dr. Mich Kabay, NCSA General Jim McCarthy, USAF (Ret) John Petersen, President, The Arlington Institute You - The Audience An exciting 'don't miss' interactive audience session. What a closing! (* Speakers with an * have been invited but have not confirmed as of June 28, 1996.) HOTEL INFORMATION: Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 The Crystal Gateway Marriott is offereing a special conference rate of $129 single/$139 double occupancy. This rate is good until August 14, 1996. 703-920-3230 (Voice) 703-271-5212 (Fax) CANCELLATION POLICY After August 9th, any cancellation will incur a $100.00 processing fee. If the reservation is not cancelled and no one attends, the full registration price will be charged. Substitute attendees are welcome. InfoWarCon '96 Registration Form: Name: ___________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________ Org: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ State: _______________________________ Zip: _____________________ Country: __________________________ Email: ________________________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: _________________________ FEES: Payment made BEFORE August 9, 1996: ( ) 595.00 NCSA Members/OSS '96 Attendees ( ) 645.00 All others Payment made AFTER August 9, 1996: ( ) 645.00 NCSA Members/OSS '96 Attendees ( ) 695.00 All others Make checks payable to NCSA, or Charge to: ( ) VISA ( ) MasterCard AMEX ( ) Number: ___________________________________________ Exp date: ___________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ MAIL OR FAX OR EMAIL REGISTRATION TO: National Computer Security Association 10 South Courthouse Avenue Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone 717-258-1816 or FAX 717-243-8642 EMAIL: conference@ncsa.com For more information about NCSA: WWW: http://www.ncsa.com CompuServe: GO NCSA EMail: info@ncsa.com Version: 1.10 Peace Winn Winn Schwartau - Interpact, Inc. Information Warfare and InfoSec V: 813.393.6600 / F: 813.393.6361 Winn@InfoWar.Com
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