fwd: e-mail for free children's books for hospitals (fwd)
Forwarded this anonymously so as not to get flames for being OFF Subject. Spread the spirit of Christmas :-)
--------- Begin forwarded message ---------- From: Janet_Alfermann%TCI_DALLAS@trinityconsultants.com To: James_McDonald@radian.com, GARDNER.MINDY@epamail.epa.gov,kelemetcsl@bv.com, eriqe@aol.com, ericscheier@worldnet.att.net,Denise_Ratcliff@mgind.com,CN=KNICKREHM.DENISE_A/O=Trinity_Consultants@KANSAS-CITY.VA.GOV,jumisch@cris.com, stelzer@tannalum.attmail.com, effland@juno.com,kopecky@sky.net, tjalfer@is.usmo.com, pderner@umr.edu,jderner@marvin.ecc.cc.mo.us, eckelkac@river.it.gvsu.edu,gg14stu@semovm.semo.edu, Laura.Dulle@anheuser-busch.com,rseggelk@redwood.DN.HAC.COM, rebecca.light@qm.sprintcorp.com,michelle_wilde_at_NIL001@ccmailgw.mcgawpark.baxter.com,redingers@earthlink.net, spring@terra.geology.indiana.edu,schroedp@mail.olathe.k12.ks.us, kupneski.mj@pg.com, plutz@umr.edu Subject: Please read Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 14:22:45 -0500 Message-ID: <862563FF:006DB8EA.00@mail.trinityconsultants.com>
Christmas spirit INTERNET style.
The Houghton-Mifflin publishing co. is giving books to children's hospitals; how many books they give depends on how many emails they receive from people around the world. For every 25 emails they receive, they give one book--it seems like a great way to help a good cause.
All you have to do is email share@hmco.com.
Hope you can spare the seconds...and let your friends know. So far they only have 3, 400 messages...last year they reached 23,000.
Merry Christmas
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