HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET PAID AS MILLIONS OF AMERICANS TURN ON THEIR TELEVISION SETS EACH DAY? The shift is on from cable to digital technology through satellite and there is a short window of timing when the deck is being re- shuffled and the new profiteers of television will be created. How can you profit from this digital technology? A new strategic alliance has just been formed between two tele- vision giants to capture the lion' share of TV's installed base. One is TPN (The People's Network), the world's leader in personal and professional achievement programming. Experts predict that by year 2000 the number one industry in the world will be the retraining of adults. TPN is the only company bringing this life enhancing infor- mation into homes, thus creating a multi-billion dollar industry cued for an explosion. The second giant is Primestar, the proven leader in digital technology through satellite, and is owned by the five largest cable companies in the country. Primestar has already cornered 42% of the digital satel- lite market share. Digital satellites are the fastest growing consumer product ever produced. Primestar chose this strategic alliance with TPN because of TPN's proven success in penetrating every neighbor- hood in America with satellite installations and now, together, they can go to the market while the competition waits for the market to come to them. A 150 million dollar campaign has just been launched by Prime- star to make it a household word. This is where you come in. TPN offers you a once in a lifetime oppor- tunity to own a piece of the ongoing profit of one of the most powerful and profitable industries in the world - television. When you recommend TPN & Primestar and an affiliate subscribes to this service you will be paid on monthly subscriptions and all product distribution done directly with TPN through television - every month - for a lifetime. 20,000 homes per day are making the switch to digital and it is predicted that by the year 2000 20 million homes will have digital satellite TV. With Primestar there is no satellite dish to buy or to maintain and the subscription cost is the same as cable plus you can access 400 educational programs per month by the greatest minds in the world for free. The question now is - do you want to pay to watch television or do you want to watch television and profit from it for a lifetime? The ball is in your court. ACT NOW BY CALLING (310) 474-0433 TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BECOME AN AFFILIATE AND EARN A SIX AND SEVEN FIGURE INCOME!
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