Clinton To Cipher Whitewater Video (fwd)

An entity claiming to be Matthew Gaylor wrote:
From Fri Jun 7 12:31:25 1996 Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 12:02:40 -0400 X-Sender: Message-Id: <v0213050badddc7a0b29f@[]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: (Matthew Gaylor) From: (Matthew Gaylor) Subject: Clinton To Cipher Whitewater Video
From: (Charles R. Smith) Subject: Clinton To Cipher Whitewater Video President Clinton is scheduled to video-tape his testimony in the second Whitewater trial. He will do so from the oval office in July. The first video taped testimony he sent to an Arkansas court room was scrambled in order to protect his personal and political privacy. One can only assume that the President will also encrypt his second testimony for the same reasons. I have no problem with the President exercising his rights to use encryption. That is what the defensive technology is for. However, President Clinton is also engaged in an effort to deny that very same right from ordinary citizens. The Clinton administration has tried for several years to ban or remove all defensive encryption security from computers, stressing that crime had a higher priority over privacy. His latest Clipper III proposal would require all U.S. citizens to turn over their keys (escrow) so that the FBI can ensure that no one is using their computer for criminal activities. In effect, the proposal would invalidate the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments. Escrow is the modern equal to the FBI demanding your house key. This is so the FBI can check in every now and then. Yet, instead of making life safer, the proposal will leave us wide open for hacker attack. It is a fact that the Clinton record of computer security is so poor that the GAO reported over 160,000 successful penetrations against just the Defense Department in 1995. In fact, during one incident, a 16 year old hacker could have started a war between North Korea and America (Rome NY USAF Base/Korean Atomic Research Facility 1995). Please note - DOD has the best computer security record of all government agencies! That means the situation at the FBI, BATF, FAA, HUD and IRS is worse. Much worse. The computers that control the military, financial, industrial, medical and political heart of America are waiting for a Digital Pearl Harbor, left undefended by Presidental order. His proposal also assumes that a huge bureaucracy erected to monitor escrowed keys would be more secure than our nuclear arsenal. Ridiculous. President Clinton has risked global nuclear war to push intrusive and obsolete ideas which protect nothing. Instead, President Clinton should heed the GAO report which concluded that securing million dollar military computers with no encryption software, no firewalls and untrained, part-timers, is the wrong thing to do. President Clinton demands his personal and legal privacy but refuses to support the same for you and me. President Clinton has risked our personal safety and our common democracy in order to create a large bureaucracy of lawyers who will do nothing but count bits. The President should take a lesson from his own actions, cipher thyself, and protect America. He should join Senator Bob Dole and a whole crowd of Bi-partisan elected officals in supporting the PROCODE bill (S. 1726). This bill gives every American the right to encrypt. The right to personal privacy. The same right Bill Clinton enjoyed during the last video session at the Whitehouse. 1 if by land, 2 if by sea. Paul Revere - Encryption 1775 Charles R. Smith SOFTWAR Richmond, VA PCYPHER signature: 4279C640DB607D4D13B808082D7CC6F23938320C1956E31A50781D192D627672 601D141C6516051C061976462B382C294542435F19665B2B316E174955445C56 5A506675180400041F030A001472657A6A1201191C0E0003784FCCE47ACB9531 E1EE5997D5E34A97A351C22B2F1871573A85BB02E3CB5C046FB24E80478AEB74 4063578E1E8019425A08091923FE6D4CA375669185FD8935B361CA6B65949FE3 57E8629F5981F5030E0AAD2BECA669808B2A038E1D89E810398F0A4DDCD2F5A7 B1E6417290D1290346BE790894F6AD1E790C57A0B457C1BE85A5D3CFB42E38E8 D5C6BDAECA57F968898F345920D5804CF5832D70534F5C66230AF099F68CAECD **************************************************************************** Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a blank message to: with the words subscribe FA on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week) Matthew Gaylor,1933 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.,#176, Columbus, OH 43229 **************************************************************************** -- Mark Rogaski | Why read when you can just sit and | Member GTI System Admin | stare at things? | Programmers Local | Any expressed opinions are my own | # 0xfffe | unless they can get me in trouble. | APL-CPIO
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