I am sad that all the spam from companies will be gone soon. I enjoy thinking that perhaps 10% (or ~120) of the Cypherpunks along with me hit the reply button and type "remove" giving them a great return for their investment (pun intended :). ---------- From: PS[SMTP:pstone@lightspeed.bc.ca] Sent: Sunday, January 12, 1997 02.59 PM To: pstone@lightspeed.bc.ca Subject: Saw your post Hi there! I saw your post the other day and thought you might be interested in a decent offer on some excellent information. Start an excellent home business today!!! For a brochure that outlines THE TEN BEST OPPORTUNITES IN BUSINESS TODAY send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mail to : M.K. Press 1310 W.67th Ave. Vancouver. B.C. Canada V6P 2T4 Please write "Offer # 4322" by hand on the envelope to me. Never want to hear from me again? Simple. Hit reply, put <REMOVE> in the Subject field, and send it on back.. Thanks.
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