Re: The Crisis with Remailers

From: IN%"" 18-MAY-1996 20:02:12.04
I was invited to the digicash API design meeting precisely to make sure it could be used in remailers. It will not be using the current API. The problem is that Mixmaster requires exact knowledge of the size of every object in the message, to maintain constant message size. I could set aside room for one, two, three coins, but there is no guarantee that the payment will be made with only that many coins. The current API is going to be high level. It will does not allow the program to know anything about the internals of the payment. I need to be able to specify payment of amount X using no more than N coins. As soon as I have that level of control, you will see postage in Mixmaster.
Good. I can see doing a limited postage now, actually, with relatively simple modifications - the postage goes to the initial remailer front end and to the remailer that sends out the message to something other than another remailer. -Allen
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