ATTENTION ALL INTERNET USERS PRESS RELEASE BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY ANNOUNCES ENTRY INTO TRILLION DOLLAR TECHNOLOGY MARKETS You're obviously technology minded or you wouldn't be reading this right now! THE MARKETS You're probably aware that deregulation of the $215 Billion Dollar electricity market begins in 1998. Remember what happened when long-distance deregulated? Companies like MCI and Sprint made billions and became household names in a market 1/3 the size of electricity! And electricity is only the tip of the iceberg. An international powerhouse doing in excess of $1.5 Billion annually is aggressively seeking entrepreneurs to participate in its launch into the following markets: Electricity Internet Access Internet Commerce Long-Distance Telephone Service International Phone Service Cellular Service Paging Cable and Satellite Television Natural Gas Home Security Systems We are offering you the opportunity to turn these expenxe centers into profit centers and participate in the largest transfer of wealth in history. IMAGINE GETTING PAID EVERY TIME SOMEONE GETS ON THE NET, BUYS SOMETHING OFF THE NET, TURNS ON THE LIGHT, COOKS, MAKES A TELEPHONE CALL, USES A CELLULAR OR PAGER, WATCHES CABLE OR SATELLITE TV OR USES A HOME SECURITY SYSTEM! Recurring, ongoing income paid on services we all use everyday already, except you can now earn a royalty on other people's usage. You can also receive royalties on the usage of businesses, large corporations, apartment buildings...anywhere these services are used. THE COMPANY Billion Dollar Company, completely debt-free Top-rated by Dun & Bradstreet, listed on NYSE "One of the 8 fastest growing companies in US history"-Success Magazine Highest paying company in its industry THE STRATEGY To reach our goal of dominating all connections into the home/building we will: Partner with Blue-Chip megacompanies in these industries Use our corporate buying power to negotiate favorable rates Offer these services in 1-year contracts to ensure your income Ultimately "Bundle" these services into ONE MONTHLY BILL for the ultimate in convenience while keeping attrition to a minimum COMPENSATION We currently have over 500 people earning an average income of $561,000 per year in markets that total $75 Billion annually--less than 1/15 of the size of the markets we are positioning to enter. INFORMATION We have set up a voice forum that you can call 24 hours per day and get more information about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Please take 10-15 minutes and call: 801-345-9614 Then call me at 310-281-5500 so I can answer your questions and provide further information. BEING FIRST IS GREAT--YOU NOW HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE BEFORE FIRST
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