IP: Fwd: SHOWDOWN AT THE FCC (Microbroadcasting)
From: Bridget973@aol.com Subject: IP: Fwd: SHOWDOWN AT THE FCC (Microbroadcasting) Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 21:50:00 EDT To: ignition-point@majordomo.pobox.com Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:42:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Sara Zia-Ebrahimi <sazF95@hamp.hampshire.edu> To: chatski@gl.umbc.edu please forward to anyone you know who would be interested UPDATE!!!! SHOWDOWN AT THE FCC!!! FREE RADIO ACTIVISTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON TO CONFRONT THE GLOBAL MEDIA MONOPOLY AND THEIR MARIONNETTES IN GOVERNMENT! Sunday October 4th and Monday October 5th Calling all media activists, radio pirates, people for a democratic media and people just fed up with crappy corporate radio: Come to DC for the first national mobilization for free radio. Microbroadcasters from around the country will gather for two days to share radio skills, organize alliances, speak out to the media and protest at the FCC and NAB buildings, culminating in a live broadcast straight into the offices of the people working so hard to shut us down. Free Radio Berkeley, Radio Mutiny, Steal This Radio and other microstations have all broadcasted live in public and challenged the FCC to shut them down in the light of day, in front of the press and the Feds have never dared to show their face- this time, we're going to take it right to their doorstep and tell them that if they're so sure that their dumb law is worth enforcing, then the Chairman should come down from the 8th floor and put the cuffs on us himself. There will also be workshops to help new folks start stations, appointments will be made to lobby congress people, and press events will be held to show the true, diverse face of the microbroadcasting movement. Schedule Sunday, Latin American Youth Center: @1419 Columbia Rd. NW DC 10am-12pm: *Everything you need to start a community station besides a transmitter: facilitated by Joan and Eli of Free Radio Memphis *The FCC petitions: What's in it for us?: facilitated by Benn Kobb, Stuart Poritzky and Bill Spry *The current legal situation: facilitated by Alan Korn of the Committee for Democratic Communications, Scott Bullock from the Institute for Justice 12-1 lunch 1-3pm: *Transmitters 101: facilitated by Bill Gorz *Starting a legal application to position for another First Amendment case: facilitated by Pete triDish and Alan Korn *The threat of media concentration to democracy: facilitated by Greg Ruggiero from Steal this Radio 3-5 pm: *Transmitters 202: facilitated by *Commercial vs. non-commercial micro-stations: facilitated by Alan Korn *Publicity: Tips on talking to the press and lobbying for support: Jesse Walker of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Diane Imelda Fleming 5-6:30 dinner @La Casa 3166 Mt. Pleasant St. NW DC 7pm party/puppet making for demonstration @La Casa Monday 9 am Panel and Debate at the Freedom Forum: an event which will probably be broadcast on NPR featuring micro-broadcasters, lawyers and FCC offcials head-to-head
participants (1)
Vladimir Z. Nuri