new-thinking mailing list tidbit; Singapore slings
keywords: thought police; mind control; Stone Age; cluelessness; Island nation; why are remailers bad? the mailing list 'new-thinking' has an interesting piece in the current issue, speaking of on-line communities of interest. the archive is at: ******************************************************************** For a hyperlinked version of this piece, please go to: For New thinking archives, please go to: ******************************************************************** +++++ sounds like the Singapore brainwashing is working pretty well if their educated people are opposed to even a discussion of whether free speech is a good thing or not. Yikes. It isn't a cultural thing, pinhead. Get life, government goon. Free speech is the right to say things others - even a _majority_ or even the government - may find unpopular. And you can tell your fascist dictator I said so. -- P.J. Ponder OBCrypto: for a keyed-SHA signature system, is there an advantage to pre-pending the keystring as opposed to appending it? I think I read something about this in one of Hugo Kracyk's (sp) papers about a keyed-MD5 system, but now I can't find it. If I recall correctly, he explained why it was better to put the key part in the beginning, instead of the end.... Thanks for any help. [Anti-Dyson and anti-EFF rant left off for now. waiting for more responses from EFF et al. Was nice to get a reply from Esther Dyson. Didn't change my mind about anonymity being a good thing, though. It will be interesting to see what Julf gets back from his survey of why people are opposed or in favor of anonymity.] [See the web page listed in the press release from penet.] I looked at the FTP, Inc. software site referenced here a few days ago for the email package that integrates PGP. Pretty hefty package to ftp over a 28.8 dialup. The write-up on the web page looked good - I'll ftp it at the office over the T1 if I can and see what it does. I assume it blows up after the 30 days (or whatever the trial period is)?
participants (1)
P. J. Ponder