Re: Sabotaging Australian Involvement in Bill's War
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:45:38 -0800 To: James Morris <>, From: Tim May <> Subject: Sabotaging Australian Involvement in Bill's War
At 5:01 PM -0800 2/12/98, James Morris wrote:
I'm just wondering if anyone else finds it particularly odd that while Australia is prepared to commit SAS troops, medical and intelligence personnel to a possible strike against Iraq, the US government still doesn't seem to trust us enough to use US developed cryptography products with adequate security.
It's not at all odd.
In the New World Order, you Aussies are children. As children, your role is to die in wars like Viet Nam and the Gulf, under orders from the New World Reichsfuhrer.
And like the American children sent to die in wars at age 18, but too young to either vote or drink alchohol, children cannot be allowed to possess dangerous crypto tools which might let them deviate from parental wishes.
The Aussies are obligated by treaty for the crypto/spying stuff. We Americans spy on all your domestic traffic by treaty. You can also request specifically targeted AU-domestic information from our personnel manning in AU the spy equipment, and we hand it to them. That's what the UKUSA (pronounced you-koo-za) agreement is all about: none of your people have broken any domestic spy laws. The British provide that service for us in Fort Meade, VA, we provide that service to the British in Menwith Hill... The EU recently declared the NSA was performing massive EU-domestic spying: that's how we have access. (It also confirms the entire massive US-domestic NSA spying claim of the Cryptography Manifesto) There has been a stunning lack of outrage to the EU statement: I'd have thought USA-based privacy groups and reporters would jump all over it. # "Moynihan Says U.S. Killed His Anti-Spy Measure" # By Irvin Molotsky, The New York Times, September 11, 1985 # # Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan charged that the CIA and State Department # had killed a measure he had introduced aimed at protecting American # citizens from having their telephone conversations intercepted by foreign # agents in this country. # # The Senator's bill would have made telephone call interception by foreign # agents illegal and would have provided for their expulsion. # # The Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence opposed the measure # as unnecessary and could lead to disclosing "sensitive intelligence # sources." British wiretappers at the helm of the NSA's domestic spy-fest. You are "secondary" parties to the treaty...low on the totem pole. See the Cryptography Manifesto at: (scroll down once there). Here is the Australian section... You'll have to purchase the "Project L.U.C.I.D." book for more details [that I snipped] from the Australian "National Surveillance" report. Snipped: some Australian politicians chased around trying to find out what the NSA was doing, then reversing themselves ("nothing's happening.."). I have to admit, it wasn't until I read this Australian report that I realized most of NASA's space shots were military. ---guy ****************************************************************************** Australian ECHELON Spotted ---------- ------- ------- *, Living Truth Ministries 800/234-9673 Texe Marrs and his organization are big on the "Anti-Christ" aspects of all the technology the UKUSA governments have deployed to monitor people. I am just glad he knows the Beast when he sees it, that it is Evil (without the people involved necessarily being evil in intent: agreed!) and that unless we do something soon, it will be too late: Earth will become Hell. His book-jacket bio: Texe Marrs was a career U.S. Air Force officer (retired). He commanded communications-electronics and engineering units around the globe. * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5 * * Appendix 2: World Surveillance Headquarters * * The report that follows, originally entitled "National Surveillance", was * written by Australia's Peter Sawer and published in Inside News (P.O. Box * 311, Maleny, Queensland 4552, Australia). It first came to my attention * when it was printed in the U.S. by LtCol Archibald E. Robert's Bulletin, * the newsletter of the highly respected Committee to Restore the Constitu- * tion (P.O. Box 986, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522). * * The article caused a flurry of activity and a round of vigorous denials, * admissions, coverups, and more denials by Australian political leaders. * * The article contends that (1) America's National Security Agency (NSA) * is the world surveillance headquarters, and (2) Australia has it's own * secret "computer center", linked with the NSA via satellite, which * illegally watches over Australia's citizenry. Article snippets... capitalization by the original authors... * On a fateful fall day in America, on November 4th, 1952, a new United * States government agency quietly was brought into existence through * presidential decree. * * The birth of the National Security Agency on that day so long ago * heralded the beginning of the world's most sophisticated and all * encompassing surveillance system, and the beginnings of the greatest * threat to individual liberty and freedom not only in Australia, but * the entire planet will ever see. * * The NSA grew out of the post war "Signals Intelligence" section of the * U.S. War Department. It is unique amongst government organizations in * America, and indeed most other countries, in that there are NO specified * or defined limits to its powers. * * The NSA can (and does) do just about whatever it wants, whenever, and * wherever it wants. Although little known in both the U.S. and elsewhere, * the NSA is quite literally the most powerful organization in the world. * * Not limited by any law, and answerable only to the U.S. National Security * Council through COMSEC, the NSA now controls an information and * surveillance network around the globe that even Orwell, in his novel * "1984", could not have imagined. * * Most people believe that the current "computer age" grew out of either * the space program or the nuclear weapons race; it did not. * * ALL significant advances in computer technology over the last thirty * years, from the very beginnings of IBM, through to the super computers * of today, have been for the NSA. In fact, the world's very first super * computer, the awe-inspiring CRAY, was built to specification for the * NSA, and installed in their headquarters in 1976. * * The entire twentieth century of development of computer technology has * been the result of the NSA's unquenchable thirst for ever bigger, ever * faster machines on which to collect, collate, and cross-reference data * on hundreds of millions of honest, law-abiding, and totally unsuspecting * individuals. And not only in America, but in many other countries as * well. Including, as we shall see, Australia. [ "The Rise of the Computer State", David Burnham, 1984 p134: ...the technical advances that were occurring did so not entirely by chance. The computers' ability to acquire, organize, store and retrieve huge amounts of data was an essential factor leading to the broad definition of intelligence that was fostered by the National Security Agency and its godfather, the National Security Council. Computer research was supported by NSA in a major way by secret research dollars. Thomas C. Reed, Director of the Pentagon's Telecommunications, Command and Control System, referring to domestic intercity telephone microwave radio trunks, said in 1975, "Modern computer techniques make it possible to sort through that traffic and find target conversations easily." p126-127: Since the wiretap law barred the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs from installing a tap on New York City's Grand Central Station pay phones, bureau head John Ingersoll asked the NSA for help. Within a few months the spy agency was sorting through all the conversations it was already acquiring for general intelligence purposes. Of course, the technicians were required to acquire, monitor, and discard a large number of calls made by people with no connection with the cocaine business in South American cities. But so pleased was Mr. Ingersoll with the tips he was getting from the dragnet monitoring that he ultimately persuaded the NSA to monitor simultaneously nineteen other U.S. communication hubs. ] * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", continued... * * Fort Meade is the hub of an information gathering octopus whose tentacles * reach out to the four corners of the earth. * * The principal means of communicating this information is by the National * Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) satellite communications * system, which most people erroneously think exists primarily for the * space program. * * It does not. * * The satellites, indeed NASA and the entire American Space Program, exist * largely to supply the NSA with its telecommunications system. That is why * the bulk of its operations are officially declared 'secret'. This * ultimate 'Big Brother' machine even has an official name 'Project * Platform'. [ "The Puzzle Palace": all these computer systems are linked together under Project Platform. The first Cray went to the NSA. p138 ] * Although the NSA was officially formed in 1952, it grew out of an * International Agreement signed in 1947. Officially termed the "UKUSA * PACT," this was an agreement between Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, New * Zealand, Australia and the NATO countries. * * The UKUSA PACT was, quite simply and bluntly, an agreement between these * countries to collect and collate information on their respective citizens * and to share this information with each other and pass on to Fort Meade. * * On March 9th 1977, the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bill Hayden, asked * "questions on notice" on the subject. On April 19, Prime Minister Malcom * Fraser, declined to answer the questions, "in the interests of national * security." * * The first clue of the Australian Headquarters of PROJECT PLATFORM appeared * in 1975. Then, as today, government undertakings involving expenditure * over a certain amount must be presented to a Senate body, the Joint * Parliamentary Accounts Committee (JPAC). In 1975 JPAC was asked to * examine and approve finance for the construction of a new building in * Deakin, a leafy suburb of Canberra. * * This quite massive building was to be constructed behind an existing, much * smaller one, which, until then, had been known to the public only as the * "Deakin Telephone Exchange." * * That it was not, and never had been, simply a "telephone exchange" finally * came to light in the 1975 JPAC Approval Report, when it admitted that the * existing building had a comprehensive basement which housed NASA's micro- * wave communications headquarters in Australia. Part of the justification * of the "need" for the new, much larger building, was that by 1980, it was * expected that NASA would run out of room in their existing home. * * Apart from NASA, it is now admitted that Deakin houses the National * Computer Headquarters for, amongst others, the Australian Defense * Department, the Australian Taxation Office, the Department of Social * Security, the Commonwealth Department of Education, and the Department * of Transport and Communications. * * Both Tax and Social Security are, in turn, directly linked to Medicare. * In fact, the Department of Health used Social Security's computer * facilities there until their own were completed. * * A small, but highly significant, part of the building is, in fact, * occupied by Telecom. This is the part that contains the networking * junctions for the optical-fiber lines leased by the banks for their * "Electronic Funds Transfer System" (EFTS). ALL financial transactions * for the banks pass through there via subsidiary company, "Funds * Transfers Services Pty Ltd." (FTS) * The New York Times INTERNATIONAL Wednesday, May 21, 1997 * by Clyde H. Farnsworth, Woomera, Australia. * * As Darth Vader's Death Star is blown to bits in the newly remastered "Star * Wars" at the local theater, the audience of Australian and American Air * Force personnel, and squadrons of their children, lets out a whoop. As the * lights go on, everyone is beaming. * [snip] * * Pine Gap employs nearly 1,000 people, mainly from the CIA and the U.S. * National Reconnaissance Office. * * It is the ground station for a U.S. satellite network that intercepts * telephone, radio, data links and other communications around the world. Worldwide telephone interception. ******************************************************************************
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