Congressional Record: February 5, 1998 (House) ELECTRONIC CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE ACT (Mr. WHITE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. WHITE. Madam Speaker, in March we are going to vote on campaign finance reform in this House. It is a very important issue but also a very difficult issue, and it is made particularly difficult because most of the bills before us are big bills that deal with the whole comprehensive issue that we have to talk about. I have got one of those bills, and I hope that we can pass one. But just in case we cannot, today I am introducing what we might call a small bill that will deal at least with some of the problems. This bill is called the Electronic Campaign Disclosure Act, and what it does is tell the Federal Elections Commission to get into the 21st century. It directs the FEC to establish a database on-line to search over the Internet for all the information needed about campaign finances in our country. Every campaign would have to file within 10 days a report of every contribution that it receives and contributors, and PACs would also have to file. Madam Speaker, sometimes we cannot do it all in one step. The longest journey begins with a single step, and I think if we cannot pass a big bill a small bill like the one I am introducing today would be a step in the right direction. ____________________
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