Re: Modified Token Posting Scheme
How about this simple policy scheme:
1) posts from known list members forwarded to list automatically 2) posts with "approval cookie" also forwarded automatically 3) otherwise, forwarded only after approval by moderator,
I.e., libel from Timmy May, Ray Arachelian, and the rest of the gang is approved automatically, and when a victim tries to defend himself and to point out that Timmy May is a liar, the response is delayed and probably rejected by the moderator.
It's been said that the best response to speech one doesn't like is more speech. "Cypher punks" want to take away the victim's ability to respond to the lies being posted on their mailing list.
You are far from being the victim of anything. If anything you're a big huge thug who spams the list, posts racist flames, posts homophobic flames, uses social engineering to find out info on his "enemies" and then posts that info online with requests that others send flames to that person's employers.
Besides, in my scheme, the first two options are explicitly there to avoid moderation. Just post under your real name or generate an authentication cookie.
participants (1)
ed.falkļ¼ Eng.Sun.COM