There's something wrong...

Friday, May 30, 1997 - 21:07:32 MET
A major nail in the coffin of Justice for any accused in the U.S.
was when the justice system promoted the concept of guilt by virtue
of "circumstantial" evidence to the point where people can now be
convicted as a result of speculation rather than evidence. Prosecutors
now seem to need only to convince the sheeple that it was "possible"
for the defendant to have commited the crime and that circumstantial
evidence points *only* to the accused.
Actually we are well passed that point. Jim Bell's arrest and pending prosecution amounts to thought crime. Its not "possible they commited a crime" now its possible that they "may" commit a crime. At Waco, dozens of innocents were killed, burned alive on national television in their home and church from an unwarranted, excessive use of force in order to serve a search warrant on David Koresh for what they "may" have been doing. No one was under indictment, under arrest or accused of an actual crime, yet through media manipulation that branded koresh and his followers Kooks, the nation watched another act of Statist-TV-Terrorism. The message through the medium this time?, "We don't need no stinking charges." Mandatory sentencing (a legislative and executive end run that usurps judiaciary power by eliminating judicial discretion) Terroristic Speech (a euphemism for 'thought crime' in many cases) are two examples of end runs around citizens contitutionaly protected rights that are being used daily to commit violent attacks on individual citizens civil rights.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- At 12:14 PM 5/30/97 -0700, Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
At Waco, dozens of innocents were killed, burned alive on national television in their home and church from an unwarranted, excessive use of force in order to serve a search warrant on David Koresh for what they "may" have been doing. No one was under indictment, under arrest or accused of an actual crime, yet through media manipulation that branded koresh and his followers Kooks, the nation watched another act of Statist-TV-Terrorism. The message through the medium this time?, "We don't need no stinking charges."
23 children were fried because the Feds thought that some people living at MT Carmel might be illegally possessing some metal disks about the size of a 50 cent piece. DCF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 5.0 beta Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBM49eFIVO4r4sgSPhAQEjlgP8CA77uN+nTmRhsHM0IFXtqyOsuzzbE5Me 1yemEpl1aHMCVyK+IApSEczd8nuq897otzd2AhdlXz5sQ1dyHdnJWrwFmHhGbTWK 6FPWOtPvODcwndvKdDUynCctCl3JB7u+wYRJ+WpogCD4LuE1eb9RTZ5uneGdXXQ3 hVXWDDNdm5M= =Skc7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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