Premail/PERL 5.004 fix

Punks: I've needed to upgrade PERL recently to 5.004 because some new software wouldn't work without it. I didn't want to do it because I heard it would break premail. I decided to DL the old perl-5.003 RPM from sunsite just in case 5.004 really screwed premail up. The actual truth of the matter is that 5.004 just warns you that premail re-declares several variable. Apparently this has no effect on the program, but those warnings are pretty annoying. Here is now you fix it: Define a WARN trap that checks a variable (DOWARN) to see whether it should warn or not. Since the re-declarations occurr in three different places you just have to set DOWARN to 0 before the line and then DOWARN to 1 after the line. Crude, but effective. Most of this code can be found by doing a man page on 'perlfunc', but I thought I'd save someone the time. Here is the diff for premail version .449. 100a101,102
BEGIN { $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn $_[0] if $DOWARN } } $DOWARN = 0; 1274a1277 $DOWARN = 0; 1275a1279 $DOWARN = 1; 1356a1361 $DOWARN = 0; 1357a1363 $DOWARN = 1; 6319a6326 $DOWARN = 0; 6320a6328 $DOWARN = 1;
Your milelage may vary... Jim Burnes
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Jim Burnes