Re: [Noise] Hettinga Sees Colors...

At 01:20 PM 7/22/96 -0400, Robert Hettinga wrote:
Anyway, I was standing there at the monument to the British war dead ;-), and said to the kids (ages 15, 13, and 11), "Guys, right here, on this spot," (they looked down) " is were America [sic] started. If you could imagine the ground here painted red, white and blue, and then the colors radiating out from here in all directions", (they looked around) "from the Atlantic to the Pacific, to Alaska and Hawaii, and bunch of islands in both oceans. Oh, yeah. Even the Moon." Then they looked up.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmer's stood, And fired the shot heard round the world. See also: Relevant to cypherpunks because to steal from Nelson Thall of some Marshall McLuhan Institute in the latest Wired: "Ultimately, the power of the Internet is that it makes you think like a North American. It allows the entire world to think and write like North Americans. This is the agenda of the Internet. It goes along with NAFTA." An *why* is it vital that the world become like 'North Americans' (or, as we non-Canadians would say 'Americans')? See my follow-up message. DCF
participants (1)
Duncan Frissell