Forward from Terrorism list: From: (MR JAMES P DENNEY) Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 19:45:44, -0500 To: Subject: RICIN ALERT Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement Merced/Mariposa Narcotic Task Force RE: RICIN Alert The Sacramento Regional Office of the Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement has offered this alert to all it's personnel: "The following alert has been confirmed and is being shared throughout the law enforcement and intelligence community. This alert advises that nationwide trend among drug traffickers is to "bait" law enforcement officers with a white powder called RICIN. RICIN is a derivative of Castor beans and looks like powder methamphetamine. It is highly toxic and if it contacts human skin, it is fatal. The death process takes several days, depending upon the dosage, and is almost impossible to detect during an autopsy. Forensic experts advise that if you field test RICIN in the Scott Reagent Kit, it will foam and bubble extensively. The test will also produce a gas that is very similar to mustard gas and can also be lethal if inhaled. RICIN is 6,000 times more lethal than cyanide and there is no antidote. Symptoms of contact exposure to RICIN are: Fever, cough, weakness, and hypothermia, progressing to dangerously low blood pressure, heart failure and death. Due to this situation, in the event of suspect drug seziures, do not come into direct skin contact with any powdered substances, and exhibit caution of field testing any powdered substances." We are forwarding this advisory to all California EMS Agencies and recommend that each agency contact the local hospitals in their area. We are unaware if RICIN can be detected on a toxicological exam. There is a potential for someone, other than law enforcement, to become contaminated with this substance. -----
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