High-Class Hoards

This week in the award-winning Shift Control... The Hoarding Issue "Nowadays Charles Saatchi buys up entire shows of new talent in the Young Brit Art pack. Recently he bought nearly all the Chapman brothers' disturbing child mannequins with penises and anuses in peculiar places. And the whole of the Martin Maloney show, 'Die Yuppie Scum'. I imagine his art depository must be as big as an out-of-town IKEA store, with fork-lift trucks whizzing around it and people with clipboards checking stock." - Professor Lisa Jardine on art collectors, the ultimate hoarders. "Mum keeps throwing more and more pairs of shoes into the black hole at the bottom of her wardrobe, never to be seen again, even though she might only have worn them once. This shoe fixation is a trait the rest of the family seems to have inherited. Normal kids inherit eye colour from their parents; we all got the urge to stash flip-flops." - Emma Caldwell on growing up in a house of maniacal hoarders. "Charlie describes himself as a 'guardian of logic'. 'I've seen some super-open people, into Buddhism and Feng shui and geomancing. But that,' says Charlie, nodding towards the hoard of jumble, 'is an ecclesiastical anathema, trying to combine all things, all religions together.'" - Shift Control rumbles through jumble and finds a philosopher in the closet. Plus: The Shift Control Gallery, the world's first bionic bee, and a chance to win 200 smackers in our short story competition. All waiting for you NOW at http://www.shiftcontrol.com _____________________________________________ Shift Control is produced by the Guardian's New Media Lab with help from Boddingtons and Stella Artois Dry To unsubscribe from this mailing list send e-mail to shiftcontrol-request@nml.guardian.co.uk with the following text in the body of the mail message: unsubscribe
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