What is Gary L. Burnore Afraid Of? (was: Anon asshole still has no proof)
gburnore@netcom.com (Gary L. Burnore) ranted:
Still no proof that I am anti-remailer or support anti-remailers Still no proof that I am anti-privacy or support anti-privacy
You just provided it in the form of the Subject: line that YOU chose for this post -- "Anon asshole still has no proof".
Still accusations with no proof. Continuous for about a year. On and on and on. Still no explination for why the whole thing started to begin with. Because what the anon asshole is _REALLY_ upset about is true reason for his obsession with me.
So the anon asshole won't answer. Can't answer. His/Her identity may become know if he/her reveals the true reason for a year of obsession.
Careful, Gary, your bigotry and paranoia are showing. My "accusation" has merely been at *ASK* you and Belinda Bryan why you demanded that Jeff Burchell turn over the user logs from his Huge Cajones Remailer over to DataBasix and what you intended to do with them after you obtained them. It seems to be you that's hiding the "true reason" for your own actions. What "proof" does one need to ask a question or two? Why do you resort to posting silly rants like this just to avoid answering those two questions? You are the one making the ridiculous accusations without proof, that a mythical "AnonAsshole <tm>" has supposedly done all matter of evil mischief towards you. And you conveniently try to discredit anyone who dares to criticize you anonymously of being this evil, mean ogre that you've invented.
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