New! All Natural Weight Loss "Patch"!
Do you know anyone that needs to lose weight? Of course you do! There are over 92 million overweight people in the US alone. The weight-loss industry brings in billions of dollars each year. A recent Harris poll indicated that 74% of Americans are overweight or would like to lose a few pounds. THE ALL NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS PATCH Just introduced in May, 1998, the All Natural TrimPatch is the most significant development in the industry. The patch suppresses appetite, naturally. 100% homeopathic ingredients, with time released nutrients that enter the bloodstream through the skin. Just peel and stick. Four years in development. 87% of people lost weight in clinical studies. 60 Medical Doctors and Pharmacists on advisory board. No shakes or drinks, no pills, no special menus. THE PRODUCT: The transdermal weight loss patch, call "All Natural TrimPatch" is a simple, safe and sensible way to lose and control weight. It is completely homeopathic, with time-released nutrients that enter the bloodstream through the skin. Transdermal is the third most effective way to introduce a substance to the body, after intravenous and sub-lingual. TrimPatch works by suppressing an person's appetite and increasing fat metabolism. It has NO stimulants. Simply Peel, Stick, and Forget! TESTING: The product was tested over 2 years on 2,400 people with an 87% success rate. It was overseen by 60 MD's in consultation with many Homeopaths. There were no side effects in the entire study, other than a slight minor rash from the adhesive on some people, which left in 24 hours. Double blind placebo test methods were used. Over 900 MD's were on the Manufacturer's Advisory Board. There are 60 Medical Doctors and pharmacists who have been active in the clinical studies of the patch. PRODUCT EFFECTIVENESS: The average weight loss was 3 lbs. after 2 weeks, 8 lbs. after 4 weeks, and 13 lbs. after 6 weeks. GURARANTEED RESULTS BY THE COMPANY: All Patches come with a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. MARKET: Weight loss is a $33 billion dollar a year industry. Think about it. How many people do you know personally who'd like to be trim? With the recent withdrawal of Redux & Phen-Fen from the market, people want a SAFE product to help them balance their weight. More than a third of the American population is overweight. 53 million people are considered "obese." A Harris Poll (February, 1996) reveals that "74% OF AMERICANS ARE OVERWEIGHT." Our society wants something that is easy for them to do. Transdermal application industry is rapidly growing. Nicoderm, Vitamin C, Nitro-Glycerin, Estrogen, Testosterone, Cortisone, Pain, Morphine, Motion Patches, and Local Anesthetic Patches are currently being used. INGREDIENTS: Ingredients of The All Natural Trim Patch, and the role they play in balancing our weight naturally: Abies Canadensis -- Hemlock Spruce - suppresses appetite craving for meat Ammonium Bromatum -- Bromide of ammonia - suppresses appetite and headaches Ammonium Carbonicum -- Carbonate of ammonia - suppresses appetite Ammonium Muriaticum -- (will get the scoop) Antimonium Crudum -- Assists in cleansing the body of fat Argentum Nitricum -- Nitrate of silver - suppresses appetite for sweets Calcarea Carbonica -- Carbonate of lime - suppresses cravings for indigestible food Capsicum Annuum -- cayenne pepper - assists in bowel function, elimination Cinchona Officinalis -- Peruvian bark from China - enhances digestion Fucus Vesiculosus -- Seaweed-based kelp - rejuvenates sluggish thyroid* Graphites -- Plumbago - suppresses feeling of hunger in the stomach Kali Bichromicum -- Bichromate of potash - enhances digestion Kali Carbonicum -- Carbonate of potassium - suppresses desire for sweets Kali Phosphoricum -- suppresses desire for sweets Lycopodium Clavatum -- Club moss - suppresses excessive hunger Natrum Muriaticum -- Chloride of sodium - suppresses appetite Phosphorus -- suppresses appetite soon after you eat Phytolocca Decandra Berry -- Poke root - assists in killing fungi and their spores Pulsatilla -- Wild flower - suppresses appetite for fatty and warm foods Sabadilla -- Cevadilla seed - suppresses appetite for sweets Silicea -- Pure flint - tendency to create balance in the body Spongia Tosta -- Roasted sponge - suppresses excessive hunger Staphysagria -- Stavesacre - tendency to increase feeling of strength Sulphur -- Sublimated sulphur - suppresses excessive appetite Thyroidinum -- suppresses appetite for sweets, rejuvenates sluggish thyroid* tends to eliminate nausea and indigestion, thirst for cold water Veratrum Album -- White hellspore - suppresses voracious appetite Thyroid rejuvenation is crucial for increased metabolism of fat, as the thyroid gland controls metabolism. An increase in thyroid activity lends itself, therefore, to fat metabolism, as you well know. This information has been taken from Materia Medica with Repertory, Ninth Edition, published by Boericke & Tafel Inc., Santa Barbara, California. TO PLACE AN ORDER OR TO SPEAK WITH A CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CALL: (732) 536-5734 FOR INFORMATION ON BECOMING A NATURAL BODYLINES DISTRIBUTOR, CALL: (888) 718- 3175 FOR A 5 MINUTE, 24 HOUR RECORDED MESSAGE. Email: Bonnie Levy Natural Bodylines Official Distributor (732) 536-5734
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