SAHMD / Prologue 2/0 (kinda)

[Author's Note: This chapter, or continuation of the prologue, or whatever the fuck it is, contains an expose of the true diabolical nature of Lucky Green. Unfortunately, the only existing file-copy and printout are at the residence of a friend who is not currently at home, and it seems to be in my best interest to leave town in a hurry, without turning on my headlights and using only back roads and alleys. Anyone who is just so desperate to read Prologue 2/0 that they are peeing thier pants might want to email Jay Tolkoff at whatever internet address appears on Prologue 1/0 that was recently spammed to the CypherPunks list, pleading, bribing, threatening or thanking him, in order to see if he might possibly be open to sending you (or the list) a copy of foresaid missive. At present, continuation of "Space Aliens Hide My Drugs" seems to be largely dependent upon the speed of my vehicle and the volume of my ammo supply. (The more things change, the more they remain insane.) And the good news is... As soon as I hit 'send', Baby and I will be hitting the road, under cover of darkness, with the sounds of Linda Lou and the Drifters belting out Leadbelly's "When I Was A Cowboy" in our wake. Don't get any on'ya...]
participants (1)
Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC