The Surveillance List...
Interested in joining a FREE moderated list to discuss surveillance and counter-surveillance technology? This list is for professionals and those interested in the business... Join the "Surveillance List" today... We'll cover such topics as: Audio surveillance technology... Video surveillance technology... Methods of eavesdropping... TSCM... Electronic countermeasures... Trade Shows... Equipment... What works... What doesn't... Equipment... Where to get the best deals... Who the players are... To join the "Surveillance List" please send an E-Mail with the words "Surveillance List" in the "subject" field. Please include you name and e-mail address in the body of message... with a little background info... We urge subscribers to "Get Involved" and make this list a viable forum for the exchange of information and ideas... Don't be a LURKER... If you've got a question, ask it... (there is no such thing as a dumb question...) If you've got info to share, share it... ************************************************************************** List Postings to: ************************************************************************** Subscribe to: In the subject field type: subscribe-surveillance list ************************************************************************** Unsubscribe to: In the subject field type: unsubscribe-surveillance list ************************************************************************** ...The Simple Rules of the Surveillance List... The Surveillance List Owners may Reject or Edit any posts that are: 1.) Unrelated to Eavesdropping, Surveillance or Privacy technology... 2.) Flames or Negative posts... 3.) E-Signatures that are considered excessive... 4.) Advertisements not directly related to the list topics... 5.) Attached Files... 6.) Oversized Posts... **************************************************************************** This publication is copyrighted and is protected by U.S. and International copyright law. The information transmitted on this list may not be reproduced, reposted or forwarded to any non-list member without expressed written permission of the List Owner. Violation of U.S. copyright law is a criminal and civil offense... **************************************************************************** The Surveillance List is moderated by Copyright 1996, Codex Publishing Inc., All Rights Reserved... **************************************************************************** ************************************************************************* The Codex Surveillance & Privacy News - Home of the most comprehensive compilation of search & tools On the Net - Over 6000 FREE searches... "We don't spy on you... but we DO keep an eye on those that do..." *************************************************************************
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