EFF Announces GAK 5
Given that the EFF has demonstrated hardware capable of breaking DES in a short period of time, they should now form an industry alliance asking for general export permission for DES. If law enforcement ever needs to access any encrypted data, they can bring it to EFF, along with a court order, and EFF will "recover" the key. This should be allowed under the existing Key Recovery exception, which says things are exportable if you provide the government with a mechanism for getting at the keys! Of course, some will claim that EFF is selling out to Big Brother by manufacturing this technology, and that granting export permission for DES will only prolong the pain of export controls. Others will claim that it is wonderful that we have finally developed a technology that solves once and for all the crypto debate. Flames will ensue. [Note: In case it is not obvious to everyone, this note is a lame attempt at sarcasm. Please don't hang me.] --Charlie Kaufman
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