Jay Stotzky wrote:
On 28 Nov 97 at 0:19, Denizen wrote: <text snipped>
Whatever. Hope what you're doing doesn't backfire on any remailer operators, Rich. That'd be a real shame.
What I love most about self-righteous jackasses is that I can usually count on picking up a little extra beer money by betting that their last post to a thread where they have had their ass kicked, they will crawl out on their bellies with some lame, moralistic equivalent of, "Yeah, but when that single child (TM) dies, _you_ will be the one who is responsible for their death. (Pictures at 11!)" OR "Sure, light bulb jokes are funny...until someone burns a retina." Hay, Jay...why don't you shoot twenty 'innocent' citizens at random every time someone 'abuses' a remailer? Then you can point out how many needless deaths could be prevented by ratting out one's friends to the remailer Gestapo. (And be sure to make everyone aware that use of the letter, 'n', is 'abuse', in *your* definintion.) BIG FUCKING NEWS FLASH, JACK!!! In the universal scheme of things, there _is_no_ abuse! If you read the chapter on rights in "How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World" and thought Harry Browne was being 'cute' with his one-liner, "People have a right to do to you whatever you can't stop them from doing." then you might try reading it again without your hand down the front of your pants. HOW TO KNOW WHEN YOU'RE A FASCIST NAZI--TIP #7: "The only people who should use the word 'we' are kings, priests and people with tapeworms." Heigh, Jay...I may be a liar, an asshole and a forger, but at least I lead with my balls. When I take it upon myself to speak for all cypherpunks on the face of the earth, I try to do it as the "Chief CypherPunks SpokesPerson," and not by trying to slip the "Royal WE" up everyone's butt through the back door (redundant?). There ain't no 'we' when the Feds knock on a remailer's door, any more than there is a 'we' in Jim Bell's WorldWide Conspiracy. Someone posts a simple question to a remailer list asking which remailers support a certain function, and your reply is to try to shake them down to find out the 'purity' of their 'motives' in asking a technical question? Of course, you're not a Nazi, are you? "WE just want to ask you a few questions..." before revealing 'source code', in order to make certain that no one is going to make 'improper' use of any remailers, or encryption packages, or graphic images of fully clothed children, or... Becoming a remailer operator is one of the quickest ways I've found to ferret out 'Big Brother Inside' (TMTCM). I regard most remailer operators as everyday heros, but I have to laugh (or puke) when I see someone painting themselves, or remailer operators as a whole, as some kind of Hero/Savior/Saint. This is invariably followed by viewing themselves as part of some Holy Crusade to 'save' remailer recipients from spam, or one of the other Horsemen of the Remailer Apocalypse. Any technical limitations one imposes on the use of their remailer that is not due purely to considerations in regard to survival, is nothing more than using it as an ego-tool to play God/BigBrother. Even the process of trying to survive as a remailer operator leads to one needing to reevaluate their character, beliefs and values. e.g. - You may be able to survive by allowing Christian spamming, but not Satanist spamming. Do you allow one, but not the other, in order to keep from getting shut down? e.g. - You may be able to survive by allowing anonymous email to any .gov site except Do you allow one, but not the other? Hey, Jay...I recognize your 'right' to answer technical questions about remailer use only after having the person asking the question fill out a 10-page form asking questions such as, "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?" I also recognize your right to be laughed at as a lame, Nazi fuck. TruthMonger#1 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Business Security 5.8 Comment: "I Broke PGP!" iQEVAwUANH7LJj0zUlXoOfx5AQEFWggAiIZbdYSw4N9CCrlHl0nJt9yLnfB/xFb9 RrUEMPocsOdC2rRAMkyRpx8R6bPN0AHHUT0Bum9qc1YCJ63OGuMm6UNh51dBmzXl i3syr7UBCPg3aYTSAooIRUoFzHsuqvm0Y2Dk2xYRlZ+SKoMzWmG9Kkiaed2ryqbC tqZJKp6sHD7p+Dt3/IbEahJQqNNXVrOn85pM+xd4T71fPdH1HA0Iptef8kflCg2U gkXSuPIJHZOLDi5kPurJcd9ho2dr1ZYyh3GOpEkyfDyLUquOtJUQKsfrTSZlwUML Et7BKHLk6z+hXJpo/HOU7y2tlL5R620O03FmmNaEePjbm0+M5x67Mw== =JE3f -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (1)