Take the money, Harry, re.

Harry should take the money. As Ayn Rand said, "Don't let your morality be used against you."
I believe in the philosophy of law. As long as it's legal, each person can take whatever he is legally entitled to from the government's stolen money, as long as he/she doesn't ADVOCATE that the coercive tax system be retained. Many will not take grants, or welfare, but they are legally entitled to it. As for the moral entitlement, that is a matter for them to work out for themselves. After all, we have to drive on government (tax supported) roads, etc.
I agree with you, Tonie, as usual. I struggled with this, for years, until I had a dream. I was on a battlefield, pinned down by enemy fire, and I was out of ammunition. There was plenty of slave labor stuff around, on the corpses of enemy soldiers, but of course, I couldn't use that, morally, because it was made available by force. So I made a decision, and I didn't die in my sleep. If libertarians deprive themselves of what is legal, they impoverish themselves, relative to the more socialistic others, and the the cancer continues to gather strength by taking ours for themselves. But that is no reason to continue it in law, when we have the power to reverse or negate the law itself, that legalizes theft. In a future dream, I will free the slaves with the fruits of their forced labor, so they will be forced no more. I think all libertarians fundamentally want to do this. So...We need to trust elected libertarians, not to be seduced by existing collectivist power, to use it at any and every opportunity, to return all power to the individual. Otherwise, what is the point? P.S. I am unable to afford to go the the National Convention. Sorry to miss seeing all of you who are going. Roger
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