Quaint Customs Warning - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!
Canadian Customs Warning - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! ________________________________________________________ Although the Reptilian Nazis making preparations in the lavoratories of their SecretUnderGroundBunkers pose an eventual threat to the safety and security of humanity itself, there are many more immediate dangers present in our lives which can bring serious consequences to anyone who remains unaware of them. Thus, I feel that it is important for everyday, average citizens to issue travel warnings for those who may be thinking in venturing into some of the more corrupt areas of the world, such as Canada, where they may find themselved subject to arbitrary and capricious actions by the heavy-handed Canadian Customs BorderGuards before even being allowed to enter the country, after which they will be subject to whatever illegal acts and measures that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police choose to perpetrate upon them. It is particularly important to be wary of entering through certain Customs ports, such as Regway, Saskatchewan, which have a long history of abuse of authority and criminal malefeasance. Bill Mitchell, a Canadian Customs OffalSlur at the Regway port, has been known to steal thousands of dollars worth of goods from those passing through while he is on duty, while being extremely evasive when asked about the legality of his conduct, as well as being very inept at hiding the fact that he is a lying, scumbag piece of shit who is not intelligent enough to tell even halfway believable lies. Although I normally advise people to make what effort they can to get whatever measure of Justice they can through normal legal channels, in the case of countries such as Canada, where even high-ranking political figures are known to be corrupt, where many of the Judges have histories of corruption, substance abuse and complicity in the illegal activities of law enforcement officials, I certainly could not find fault with anyone who surveyed the situation they found themselves in and decided that their best option was to used armed force to prevent becoming a victim of the oppressive, unethical and illegal actions of armed bandits working under the cover of Canadian Government Authority. As well, although one might morally and ethically be perfectly justified in putting a bullet through the brain of armed Canadian Government Bandits who have been trained to deal violently with any person who resists their attempts at enforcing their alleged authority, even when doing so in an unethical and illegal manner, it would be unwise for them to act hastily, since one must be prepared to follow through in regard to such an action, by also eliminating any other government agents who may be present and would constitute an immediate or future threat to the individual who refuses to be subjected to illegal and unethical government actions. Although I suppose that one might make a case for being 'better safe than sorry' when entering Canada through a port such as Regway, and just going ahead and whacking out the whole lot of them, so that they don't have a chance to get the jump on you, before proceeding into the country, I personally think that if one has prepared in advance for dealing with the danger that the Regway Customs OffalSlurs represent, then this option should not be necessary. Of course, I realize that I, myself, am a rather conservative person, so I would certainly not pass judgement on those who are more of a 'take the BullShit by the horns' type of individual. Being, as I say, rather conservative by nature, I don't usually feel it necessary to immediately put to death violent armed Canadian Government Thugs for their crimes against myself or other citizens, even though doing so might well help to prevent future criminal abuses by violent, armed people in positions of authority, since there area variety of other routes that one might take in extracting a measure of Justice or EqualizationOf TheAnalSexualBalanceOfTheTao. As always, anyone who chooses to attempt to receive redress for the crimes committed against them by those in authoritative government positions will be fighting a battle in which the Canadian Justice System is stacked against them. Even though Judge Lee, a notorious drunkard who has performed GodOnlyKnows how many travesties of justice while rendering legal judgements while totally ShitFaced, has retired, many of the other Canadian judges, while perhaps not being as totally out-of-control, are nonetheless known to rubber-stamp pretty much every instance of criminal] abuse perpetrated on the citizenry, as a matter of course. Likewise, the Saskatchewan Justice Department is well-known by the citizens to be a FuckingJoke (TM), and that any person who dares to file a complaint against members of the Canadian Legal Community can expect to be subjected to ridicule and abuse by Justice Department Investigators, as well as perhaps finding themselves the target of further persecution by those being WhiteWashed by their Justice Department BumBuddies. Realizing that any citizen who shot and killed an armed intruder in his home who was attempting to rob HimOrHer of thousands of dollars worth of personal propery would likely be regarded as a hero, while a citizen who shot and killed an ArmedCanadianGovernmentThug who was doing the same, would be the immediate subject of villification by all arms of Canadian Opinon/Reality Creating Agencies, my own preference is to set a goal of returning (1,000)Tit-for-(1)Tat. Being, as I say, a pretty conservative fellow, I have refrained, for the most part, over the years, from extracting a large measure of revenge or retribution for the unethical and illegal TravestiesOfJustice that I have been subjected to by various CanadianAuthorities. Having gone to great lengths to act with reason and civility in the face of oppression and persecution for quite some length of time, and at considerable personal expense to both my finances and my psyche, I can see no reason to have any qualms of conscience in regard to henceforth requiring AThousandEyesForAnEye (TM) as a BalanceOfPayments for acts of thievery and illegality against my person by ArmedCanadianGovernmentThugs. Naturally, if anyone feels that they can offer good, solid advice in regard to why it might be more ethical or justified for me to just keep on TakingItInTheAssTimeAndTimeAgain without complaint or retribution, then I would be more than happy to forward them some advice I received from S.M. Halloran, who works as a Biochemical Researcher at a Spooky Drug Laboratory in AssassAnkara, Turkey: _________________________________________________________________ * To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM * From: "S. M. Halloran" <mitch@duzen.com.tr> * Organization: User RFC 822- and 1123-compliant _________________________________________________________________ ou are a lunatic. No question about it. Can you possibly make an appointment with your doctor and make sure your lithium dose is not greater than it ought to be? Mitch Halloran Research (Bio)chemist Duzen Laboratories Group AssassAnkara TURKE mitch@duzen.com.tr _________________________________________________________________ I have been following, with great mirth, a current thread on the CPUNX list which expresses great concern over the possible implications to the issues of freedom and privacy by the plans of the Russian Government and/or Military implimenting a StateOfTheArt Monitoring/Surveillance System designed to make BigWolfInBigGrandmothersClothing's ears very, very large indeed. [WAS: "The better to hear EveryOneAndEveryThing with."] I find it interesting that there should be such great concern over the possibility of EvilThings happening in Russia that are already happening in AmeriKaKa, when few Citizens or NetIzens in this country seem to be inclined to actually *do* anything in regard to making an effort to hold accountable those involved in the unethical and criminal persecution of our own DigitalPrisonersOfWar behind Amerika's ElectroMagnetic Curtain. What reason is their to be 'concerned' about matters that one is going to submissively submit to like a LemmingLamb waiting to rush over the cliff and into the BigMouthBigTeeth of BigBrother? James Dalton Bell got RailRoaded, ScrewedBluedAndTattoo'd, SetUp, Fucked Over, and SoldDownTheFuckingRiver for the diabolical crime of openly discussing the same types of concepts and issues that our Founding Fathers wrote about (although they were taking their medication regularly and had the good sense to publish much of their work via anonymous reprinters). ALunaticWhoLooksALotLikeMe got HisorHer computers, and those of family members, confiscated, HisOrHer Sympatico WebSite deleted, and subjected to the threat of years of imprisonment, as a result of putting up an 'RCMP HATE PAGE' parody dedicated the belief that making fun of Dudley DoRight's abuse, persecution and murder of human beings of Native American ancestry was less of a crime than the actual performance of those types of criminal misdeeds. Unless one is prepared to actually take action to prevent the abuse of authority, and to hold those responsible for high-handed, unethical and illegal actions against the Citizens, then the process of 'discussion' on these issues is mere Philosophical Masturbation. The rEvolution is NOW! All that really needs to be said, is "BOOM!" NEWS FLASH!!! If, after someone ButtFucks you, you give them a really great BlowJob, they don't have a whole lot of incentive not to do it again. If the CriminalFuckers are incapable of understanding that "NO Means NO" then perhaps they are capable of understanding that "BOOM Means NO." The willingness of WeTheSheeple to submissivly submit to the atrocious lies, abuses, criminal and unethical behavior of the Rulers&Contollers can be explained, to my mind, by nothing other than BrainWashing. The Truth (TM) of the matter is, the ThugsAndThieves who are in control of this and other countries, are, for the most part, GutLessCowards who are capable of maintaining their intrusive and excessive hold over the lives of the citizenry only by virtue of OrganizedMobRuleOfForce over a ComplacentCitizenry. Upon losing the support system of OfficiallyAuthorizedOrganizedCrime, most of these GutLessCowards fold like a BustedFlush. On the extremely rare occassions where the GutLessCowards are called to account for their criminal behavior and abuse of power, They turn in mass fear on one another, until they have spilled enough of each other's blood, and hacked off enough internal heads, that the citizens are appeased. et the MindsOfTheMasses have become so controlled by the PuppetMasters that, after brief displays of sanity and integrity, they again accept the dichotomic exhortations of the LeftOverLiars&Thieves that everything is now "Different/BackToNormal." "We stopped destroying the minds of unwitting victims of our criminal mind-control experiments esterDay (TM). The IRS is going to cease engaging in high-handed, unethical abuse of the citizens Tomorrow (TM)." The Reason The Government Is Incapable of Dealing With The Present: "The rEvolution is NOW!" "The President you elected has been murdered, but you will not be allowed to know why, or by whom. That is TopSecret information that can only be accessed by those who may have been involved in his murder." "We don't have the time or resources to bring to Justice all of the important and politically connected people who became grotesquely rich while illegally draining BillionsOfDollars from the Savings and Loan system, but we *do* have the time and resources to imprison millions of DarkSkinnedAmericans (and a few LightSkinnedAmericans) for willingly ingesting pharmecutical substances which our own agents illegally put into the bodies of *unwilling* people, without a single one of them being subject to criminal proceedings, even when their actions caused the death of their unwitting victims." "es, we Fucked Jim Bell Silly! So the fuck what? "We got away with it, didn't we? So you can bet your sweet ass that we're going to do it again, and again, at any time we please, and to whoever we please. "If you DumbSchmucks want to sit by placidly while we pick you off OneAtATime, then it doesn't really matter that we're GutLessCowardlyFucks, does it?"
participants (1)
Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC