The FREE info you requested
HERE is the program YOU have been waiting for! Please print this information so you will read it comfortably. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Read through this program twice, then do the math! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friend, My name is Christopher Erickson. Two years ago, the corporation I worked at for the past twelve years down-sized and my position was eliminated. After unproductive job interviews, I decided to open my own business. Over the past year, I incurred many unforeseen financial problems. I owed my family, friends, and creditors over $35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and I just couldn't seem to make ends meet. I had to refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling business. I truly believe it was wrong for me to be in debt like this. AT THAT MOMENT something significant happened in my life and I am writing to share my experience in hopes that this will change your life FOREVER.... FINANCIALLY!!! In mid-December, I received this program via email. Six months prior to receiving this program I had been sending away for information on various business opportunities. All of the programs I received, in my opinion, were not cost effective. They were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial investment was too much for me to risk to see if they worked or not. One claimed I'd make a million dollars in one didn't tell me I'd have to write a book to make it. But like I was saying, in December of '92 I received this program. I didn't send for it, or ask for it, they just got my name off a mailing list. THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT!!! After reading it several times, to make sure I was reading it correctly, I couldn't believe my eyes. Here was a MONEY- MAKING PHENOMENON. I could invest as much as I wanted to start, without putting me further in debt. After I got a pencil and paper and figuredit out, I would at least get my money back. After determining that the program is LEGAL and NOT A CHAIN LETTER, I decided "WHY NOT". Initially I sent out 10,000 emails. It only cost me about $15.00 for my time on-line. The great thing about email is that I didn't need any money for printing to send out the program, only the cost to fulfil my orders. I am telling you like it is, I hope it doesn't turn you off, but I promised myself that I would not "cheat" anyone, no matter how much money it cost me! In less than one week, I was starting to receive orders for REPORT #1. By January 13th, I had received 26 orders for REPORT #1. When you read the GUARANTEE in the program, you will see that "YOU MUST RECEIVE 15 TO 20 ORDERS FOR REPORT #1 WITHIN TWO WEEKS. IF YOU DON'T, SEND OUT MORE PROGRAMS UNTIL YOU DO!" My first step in making $50,000 in 20 to 90 days was done. By January 30th, I had received 196 orders for REPORT #2. If you go back to the GUARANTEE, "YOU MUST RECEIVE 100 OR MORE ORDERS FOR REPORT #2 WITHIN TWO WEEKS. IF NOT, SEND OUT MORE PROGRAMS UNTIL YOU DO. ONCE YOU HAVE 100 ORDERS, THE REST IS EASY, RELAX, YOU WILL MAKE YOUR $50,000 GOAL." Well, I had 196 orders for REPORT #2, 96 more than I needed. So I sat back and relaxed. By March 19th, of my emailing of 10,000, I received $58,000 with more coming in every day. I paid off ALL my debts and bought a much needed new car. Please take time to read the attached program, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! Remember, it won't work if you don't try it. This program does work, but you must follow it EXACTLY! Especially the rules of not trying to place your name in a different place. It doesn't work, you'll lose out on a lot of money!!!!!! (REPORT #2 explains this.) Always follow the guarantee, 15 to 20 orders for REPORT #1, and 100 or more orders for REPORT #2 and you will make $50,000 or more in 20 to 90 days. I AM LIVING PROOF THAT IT WORKS !!! If you choose not to participate in this program, I'm sorry. It really is a great opportunity with little cost or risk to you. If you choose to participate, follow the program and you will be on your way to financial security. If you are a fellow business owner and you are in financial trouble like I was, or you want to start your own business, consider this a sign. I DID! Sincerely, Christopher Erickson PS Do you have any idea what 11,700 $5 bills ($58,000) look like piled up on a kitchen table? IT'S AWESOME! "THREW IT AWAY" "I had received this program before. I threw it away, but later wondered if I shouldn't have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get a copy, so I had to wait until I was emailed another copy of the program. Eleven months passed, then it came. I DIDN'T throw this one away. I made $41,000 on the first try." Dawn W., Evansville, IN "NO FREE LUNCH" "My late father always told me, 'remember, Alan, there is no free lunch in life. You get out of life what you put into it.' Through trial and error and a somewhat slow frustrating start, I finally figured it out. The program works very well, I just had to find the right target group of people to email it to. So far this year, I have made over $63,000 using this program. I know my dad would have been very proud of me." Alan B., Philadelphia, PA A PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM By the time you have read the enclosed information and looked over the enclosed program and reports, you should have concluded that such a program, and one that is legal, could not have been created by an amateur. Let me tell you a little about myself. I had a profitable business for ten years. Then in 1979 my business began falling off. I was doing the same things that were previously successful for me, but it wasn't working. Finally, I figured it out. It wasn't me, it was the economy. Inflation and recession had replaced the stable economy that had been with us since 1945. I don't have to tell you what happened to the unemployment rate... because many of you know from first hand experience. There were more failures and bankruptcies than ever before. The middle class was vanishing. Those who knew what they were doing invested wisely and moved up. Those who did not, including those who never had anything to save or invest, were moving down into the ranks of the poor. As the saying goes, "THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET POORER." The traditional methods of making money will never allow you to "move up" or "get rich", inflation will see to that. You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with "NO RISK" and "JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT." You can make more money in the next few months than you have ever imagined. I should also point out that I will not see a penny of your money, nor anyone else who has provided a testimonial for this program. I have already made over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS! I have retired from the program after sending out over 16,000 programs. Now I have several offices which market this and several other programs here in the US and overseas. By the Spring, we wish to market the 'Internet' by a partnership with AMERICA ON LINE. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do not change it in any way.It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting program to everyone that you can think of. One of the people you send this to may send out 50,000...and your name will be on every one of them!. Remember though, the more you send out, the more potential customers you will reach. So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent, IT IS UP TO YOU NOW! "THINK ABOUT IT" Before you decide against this program, as I almost did, take a little time to read it and REALLY THINK ABOUT IT. Get a pencil and figure out what could happen when YOU participate. Figure out the worst possible response and no matter how you calculate it, you will still make a lot of money! Definitely get back what you invested. Any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in. IT WORKS! Paul Johnson, Raleigh, NC HERE'S HOW THIS AMAZING PROGRAM WILL MAKE YOU $$$$$$ Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we 'll assume you and all those involved send out 2,000 programs each. Let's also assume that the mailing receives a .5% response. Using a good list the response could be much better. Also many people will send out hundred s of thousands of programs instead of 2,000. But continuing with this example, you send out only 2,000 programs. With a 5% response, that is only 10 orders for REPORT #1. Those 10 people respond by sending out 2,000 programs each for a total of 20,000. Out of those .5%, 100 people respond and order REPORT #2. Those 100 mail out 2,000 programs each for a total of 200,000. The .5% response to that is 1,000 orders for REPORT #3. Those 1,000 send out 2,000 programs each for a 2,000,000 total. The .5% response to that is 10,000 orders for REPORT #4. That's 10,000 five dollar bills for you. CASH!!!! Your total income in this example is $50 + $500 + $5000 + $50,000 for a total of $55,550!!!! REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING 1,990 OUT OF 2,000 PEOPLE YOU MAIL TO WILL DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING... AND TRASH THIS PROGRAM! DARE TO THINK FOR A MOMENT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF EVERYONE OR HALF SENT OUT 100,000 PROGRAMS INSTEAD OF ONLY 2,000. Believe me, many people will do that and more! By the way, your cost to participate in this is practically nothing. You obviously already have an internet connection and email is FREE!!! REPORT#3 will show you the best methods for bulk emailing and purchasing email lists. THIS IS A LEGITIMATE, LEGAL, MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY. It does not require you to come in contact with people, do any hard work, and best of all, you never have to leave the house except to get the mail. If you believe that someday you'll get that big break that you've been waiting for, THIS IS IT! Simply follow the instructions, and your dream will come true. This multi-level email order marketing program works perfectly...100% EVERY TIME. Email is the sales tool of the future. Take advantage of this non-commercialised method of advertising NOW!! The longer you wait, the more people will be doing business using email. Get your piece of this action!! MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) has finally gained respectability. It is being taught in the Harvard Business School, and both Stanford Research and The Wall Street Journal have stated that between 50% and 65% of all goods and services will be sold throughout Multi-level Methods by the mid to late 1990's. This is a Multi-Billion Dollar industry and of the 500,000 millionaires in the US, 20% (100,000) made their fortune in the last several years in MLM. Moreover, statistics show 45 people become millionaires everyday through Multi-Level Marketing. INSTRUCTIONS: This is the GREATEST Multi-level Mail Order Marketing anywhere: STEP #1 Order all four 4 REPORTS listed by NAME AND NUMBER. Do this by ordering one REPORT from each of the four names listed on the next page. (4 REPORTS at US $5 each will be only $20 Total!) For each REPORT, send $5 CASH ( checks take longer to clear the bank.) AND a SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED envelope (BUSINESS SIZE #10) to the person listed for the SPECIFIC REPORT. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE $1 EXTRA FOR POSTAGE. It is essential that you specify the NAME and NUMBER of the report requested to the person you are ordering from, and send CASH as checks take longer to clear the bank. You will need ALL FOUR 4 REPORTS because you will be REPRINTING and RESELLING them. DO NOT alter the names or sequence other than what the instructions say. IMPORTANT: Always provide same-day service on all orders. STEP #2 Replace the name and address under REPORT #1 with yours, moving the one that was there down to REPORT #2. Drop the name and address under REPORT #2 to REPORT #3, moving the one that was there to REPORT #4. The name and address that was under REPORT #4 is dropped from the list and this party is no doubt on the way to the bank. When doing this, make certain you type the names and addresses ACCURATELY! DO NOT MIX UP MOVING PRODUCT/REPORT POSITIONS!!! STEP #3 Having made the required changes in the NAME list, save it as a TEXT (.txt) file in it's own directory to be used with whatever email program you like. Again, REPORT #3 will tell you the best methods of bulk e-mailing and acquiring e-mail lists. STEP #4 E-mail a copy of the ENTIRE program (EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE READ HERE) to everyone whose address you can get your hands on. Start with friends and relatives first since it is easiest to convince them to take advantage of this fabulous & profitable opportunity. That's what I did. And they love me now, more than ever. Then, e-mail to anyone and everyone! Use your imagination! You can get e-mail addresses from companies on the internet who specialize in email mailing lists. These are very cheap, 100,000 addresses for around $35.00. IMPORTANT: You won't get a good response if you use an old list, so always request a NEW list. You will find out where to purchase these lists when you order the 4 REPORTS. ALWAYS PROVIDE SAME-DAY SERVICE ON ALL ORDERS!!! ABOUT THE FOUR REPORTS: You already know that each costing $5. They not only serve as a means to work this program, but also contain worthwhile information. Some people use these reports to help them with this program, or to start a completely new program of a similar structure. The reports explain how this structure works, and why. The reports also show how MLM is used by major corporations, and how to obtain e-mailing lists, and how advertise by ways such as bulk e-mailing. REQUIRED REPORTS TO BE ORDERED ARE LISTED BELOW ***Order each REPORT by NUMBER and NAME*** ALWAYS SEND A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE AND $5 CASH ( checks take longer to clear the bank) FOR EACH ORDER REQUESTING THE SPECIFIC REPORT BY its *NAME* AND *NUMBER* _____________________________________________________________________ REPORT #1 "HOW TO MAKE $250,000 THROUGH MULTI-LEVEL SALES" ORDER REPORT #1 FROM: Ron Rothstein P.O. Box 3011 Farmingdale, NY 11735 _____________________________________________________________________ REPORT #2 "MAJOR CORPORATIONS AND MULTI-LEVEL SALES" ORDER REPORT #2 FROM: M. Myre 324 Claude Lachenaie, QC J6W 5Y6 Canada _____________________________________________________________________ REPORT#3 "SOURCES FOR THE BEST MAILING LISTS" LIU Qi Box 34-451, Yu-Qiao-Bei-Li Yu-Qiao Post Office Tong-Xian, Beijing 101101 PR CHINA ____________________________________________________________________ REPORT #4 "EVALUATING MULTI-LEVEL SALES PLANS" ORDER REPORT #4 FROM: Jerry H. P.O. Box 2 Atwood, CA 92811-0002 USA =FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF=FF CONCLUSION I am enjoying my fortune that I made by sending out this program. You too, will be making money in 20 to 90 days, if you follow the SIMPLE STEPS outlined in this mailing. To be financially independent is to be FREE. Free to make financial decisions as never before. Go into business, get into investments, retire or take a vacation. No longer will a lack of money hold you back. However, very few people reach financial independence, because when opportunity knocks, they choose to ignore it. It is much easier to say "NO" than "YES", and this is the question that you must answer. Will YOU ignore this amazing opportunity or will you take advantage of it? If you do nothing, you have indeed missed something and nothing will change. Please re-read this material, this is a special opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to the sender of this information. You will get a prompt and informative reply. My method is simple. I sell thousands of people a product for $5 that costs me pennies to produce and email. I should also point out that this program is legal and everyone who participates WILL make money. THIS IS NOT A CHAIN LETTER OR PYRAMID SCHEME. At times you have probably received chain letters, asking you to send money, on faith, but getting NOTHING in return, NO product what-so-ever! Not only are chain letters illegal, but the risk of someone breaking the chain makes them quite unattractive. You are offering a legitimate product to people. After they purchase the product from you, they reproduce more and resell them. It's simple free enterprise. As you learned from the enclosed material, the PRODUCT is a series of four FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS REPORTS. The information contained in these REPORTS will not only help you in making your participation in this program more rewarding, but will be useful to you in any other business decisions you make in the years ahead. You are also buying the rights to reprint all of the REPORTS, which will be ordered from you by those to whom you mail this program. The concise one and two page REPORTS you will be buying can easily be reproduced at a local copy center for a cost off about 3 cents a copy. Best wishes with the program and Good Luck! "IT WAS TRULY AMAZING" "Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this program. But conservative as I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was no way that I could not get enough orders to at least get my money back. BOY, was I ever surprised when I found my medium sized post office box crammed with orders! I will make more money this year than any ten years of my life before." Mary Riceland, Lansing, MI TIPS FOR SUCCESS Send for your four 4 REPORTS immediately so you will have them when the orders start coming in. When you receive a $5 order, YOU MUST send out the product/service to comply with US Postal and Lottery laws. Title 18 Sections 1302 and 1341 specifically state that: "A PRODUCT OR SERVICE MUST BE EXCHANGED FOR MONEY RECEIVED." WHILE YOU WAIT FOR THE REPORTS TO ARRIVE: 1. Name your new company. You can use your own name if you desire. 2. Get a post office box (preferred, as there may come dozens or hundred of such $5 cash letters every day, you'd better to set private PO box to keep your money-in safety and convenient.) 3. Edit the names and addresses on the program. You must remember, replace the name and address next to REPORT #1 with YOURS and move the others down one, with the fourth one being BUMPED OFF the list. 4. Obtain as many e-mail addresses as possible to send until you receive the information on mailing list companies in REPORT #3. 5. Decide on the number of programs you intend to send out. The more you send, and the quicker you send them, the more money you will make. 6. After mailing the programs, get ready to fill the orders. 7. COPY the 4 REPORTS so you are able to sent them out as soon as you receive an order. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS PROVIDE SAME-DAY SERVICE ON ORDERS YOU RECEIVE! 8. Make certain the letter and reports are neat and legible. GUARANTEE The check point which GUARANTEES your success is simply this: you must receive 15 to 20 orders for REPORT #1. This is a must!!! If you don't within two weeks, email out more programs until you do. Then a couple of weeks later you should receive at least 100 orders for REPORT #2, if you don't, send out more programs until you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders for REPORT #2, (take a deep breath) you can sit back and relax, because YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE AT LEAST $50,000. Mathematically it is a proven guarantee. Of those who have participated in the program and reached the above GUARANTEES -ALL have reached their $50,000 goal. Also, remember, every time your name is moved down the list you are in front of a different REPORT, so you can keep track of your program by knowing what people are ordering from you. IT'S THAT EASY. REALLY, IT IS!!! REMEMBER: "HE WHO DARES NOTHING, NEED NOT HOPE FOR ANYTHING." "INVEST A LITTLE TIME, ENERGY AND MONEY NOW OR SEARCH FOR IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE." BEST WISHES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP FILE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, I have taken the liberty to put together a help file for all of the people who purchase a report from me. This file may be distributed to all of your customers at no charge to you. This letter gives you the rights to give this file to everyone who purchases a report from you, so long as *this* file is distributed to them at no additional charge. INTERNET ADVERTISING FOR FREE Most of you will want to sell as many reports as possible, without having to purchase large bulk-e-mailings and expensive classified ads on the Internet. The three most effective methods to do this for free are: Web Pages with your current Internet Provider, Postings on Newsgroups, and Free Classified Ad areas on the World Wide Web. ---Post directly to potential downlines--- There are many ways you can build a downline, but the best is to start surfing the Classified ads on the Internet. Look for people that are doing business on the Internet selling products, such as craft items, how to bo oks, pagers, phone cards or anything where they are trying to sell a line of products. People who are in Network Marketing or MLM are also good prospects. The free classified ads are the best. Stay away from people how are trying to sell one item like their car, a boat or their house these are people how are not interested in a business proposition, they are there to make one sale and one sale only. At the bottom of these ads there is a place to send an e-mail message to the author of the ad, click on it and fill out the name field, and the field where you can put your e-mail address. Then leave what ever is in the subject field there, this way it shows you are sending them a message from their ad and not just picking them out of thin air. Then go on to the part where you can leave a message and put. I often respond to classified ads with below message: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dear Business Minded Friend, Thank You for your posting. Please accept my invitation to examine another exceptional business opportunity -- Try what ' $20+Internet ' can bring you! :) Not a get-rich-quick plan. If you are willing to spend $20 and some free time with your computer to e-mail and advertise to people, then you are welcome to join us. How much money you make is determined by your efforts. A serious participant could expect to earn around $50,000. Send Your Request for FREE Information to: PLEASE ACCEPT MY SINCERE APOLOGY IF YOU RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION MORE THAN ONE TIME, AS IT RESULTED FROM YOUR POSTS IN MORE THAN ONE PLACE. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The direct approach works best and quickest! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!! But! As you may have noticed, this way often incurs complain or attack from people without entrepreneurship. Advertising is always annoying to some people, but, there is always some other people just need the information advertised! This is why advertising industry is growing and growing... So you are advised to take a little more step to set two e-mail addresses, the one permanent ( along with the postal address ), and the initial one may become invalid at any time. At the next time you cover a new group of postings, you may need to generate a new e-mail address for those interested people to send info request. Anyway, there are lots of free e-mail services on the Net. If no secure permanent e-mail address available, you should suggest your downlines to use snail-mail to contact you. Actually, as the two files contain detailed information, your downlines have little necessity to contact you other than purchase one of the four business reports. ---Postings on Newsgroups--- Posting on newsgroups can be quite beneficial, but can also be the source of a great deal of junk mail, sent to you by merciless bulk mailers who don't know how to appropriately send bulk-mailings. These people often use software specially designed to rip your email address off of your post ings on a Newsgroup and place it in a large bulk emailing file. These files are often resold to countless companies who will start using this file to email all sorts of junk to you. The latest email I received from such a person, was a letter trying to get me to buy a machine that would generate a chemical you could rub onto you skin and it would cure a whole plethora of illnesses, among such outrageous claims, this chemical would cure the common cold, acne, asthma, AIDS, cancer, etc.. the list went on. Not only am I certain that this chemical is illegal (it claimed to cure you by destroying viruses and illness "by suffocation"), but sounded quite lethal. While this type of email might be good for a laugh (to see how naive people try to take you for), when you start receiving hundreds of them every week, it is annoying, and frustrating. Before I tell you which Newsgroups are good to post this opportunity on, I will tell you how you can trick these bulk e-mailers' software package into sending themselves an "undeleiverable mail" message. When you place a posting on a usenet group, try not to type your actual email address anywhere in your posting. You can type such things as "In an effort to reduce junk email I have placed a % sign where @ should be, please replace the % sign for an @ sign when replying to this email address" So your email address (if it was would appear after this message as This can help reduce your junk mail significantly, and rest assured, you will get junk mail from these unscrupulous e-mailers. Now that you are armed with this you are ready to place your postings. If some junk email doesn't bother you, you can just skip the above step (like I usually do. It is far too easy to just hit DELETE to get rid of unsolicited email). Still, there are some people who will flame you. There is no getting around that. A workplace hazard I suppose :) Good Newsgroups to place your ad for this opportunity. (I have had goodresponses from every one of the following groups): alt.misc alt.alt alt.misc.misc There are hundreds of others, but the idea here is to try and focus your postings to attract those people most likely to be interested in this opportunity. If you begin posting this opportunity in such outrageously unrelated places such as alt.lucid.dreams, you are likely to get flame email. So try to stay within the realm of business and "misc." home.pc is a HOT place to post this ad, I have had over 20 replies from this group within the last two days when I posted my ad. What should your posting consist of? I tend to not like posting the whole program on the newsgroups. I suppose you could do that, I suggest against it. It is far better to obtain a person's email address after they write you to request the program. That way you will be able to stay in touch with the person, and also gauge how successful a particular posting is before the snail-mail for orders starts to come in. You will then also be able to tell which postings are generating a good response, which are not generating responses and which places are really HOT. I typically write the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT: MAKE 1997 *YOUR* YEAR. or: SUBJECT: INVEST IN YOURSELF THIS YEAR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Posting: ----------- Why work for someone else when you can be working for yourself, making a very substantial income? If I offered to show you a program in which you could turn a $20 investment into thousands of dollars, would you be interested? Would you be interested if I offered you information on this program for FREE? Here's a look at the program I want to offer you this year: * Proven track record of success * Guaranteed program to raise capital fast (in about 90 days) * Quickly establish a "snowball growth" effect * Operate this business from home, office, or store * Completely Legal and "scam-free" under Lottery and Postal laws * No person-person selling * No personal contact with your customers if you don't want to * Learn how to harness the power of the Internet to your advantage * Obtain financial freedom in a very short period of time * People are scrambling to obtain information on this program (some people get on the Internet to LOOK for this program) * Originator of this program does not receive a dime for your participation * No-one above you "makes all the money" The 90-day clock to financial security is already working
participants (1)