StockAlert News: UNFC expects increase of $50M in assets

<HTML><PRE></P><P ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3><B>REMINGTON-HALL CAPITALIZES ON RESURGENT REAL ESTATE MARKET Company expects to acquire $50 million in assets by mid-1998</B> </P><P ALIGN=LEFT> DALLAS --<FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B> </B>UNFC<B> </B>), a diversified real estate investment firm formerly known as Universal Fuels Company, is quietly acquiring over $50 million in previously undervalued, undercapitalized or mismanaged commercial properties and making this new major player<FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B>one of the best moderate-risk real estate investments in 1998. Founded in 1975 as Universal Fuels, the company provided uranium to the world as an alternative fuel, but as uranium became less used as a nuclear fuel source than other more economical and useful materials, Universal Fuels' stock declined almost to extinction over several years. The stock price was less than 1¢ last year. Four months ago officials from Camden-Townwest, a privately held real estate investment firm, approached Universal Fuels former management about converting Universal Fuels into a publicly traded real estate conglomerate. Camden-Townwest, founded in 1994, grew from $19,000 in cash to $3 million in assets in three years without seeking any outside capital. Since the change in management and corporate mission last October, <FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B> </B>UNFC<B> <FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3></B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>has seen its stock value increase by over 800%. Remington-Hall is now making its move to increase assets at a tremendous rate. By mid-year management expects to acquire in excess of $50 Million in office buildings and multi-family properties at a significant discount to their market value. "We have been referred to as 'Cat Burglars of Real Estate'," said Douglas Fonteno, president & chief executive officer, "and that's a title we plan to keep." <U><B>Douglas T Fonteno</U> </B>previously Chairman of Camden-Townwest and formerly with Merrill Lynch, is Remington-Hall's new President & Chief Executive Officer. <U><B>Larry Hood</U></B>, <B> </B>formerly Chief Operating Officer of Pizza Inn and Chief Financial Officer of Reliance Mortgage Company, is Remington-Hall's Chief Financial Officer, giving the new company immediate and substantial financial integrity. <U><B>Wade Hyde</U></B>, previously public relations and investor relations executive for Blockbuster Video and FoxMeyer Corporation, is Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations. Currently Remington-Hall<FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>is seeking to be listed on the Pacific Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq National Market. The company anticipates announcing over $10 million in newly acquired assets by the end of January. <B>Name:</B> Remington-Hall Capital Corporation ( formerly Universal Fuels) <B>Symbol:</B> Nasdaq:<FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B> </B>UNFC<B> </B> <B>Mission:</B> To aggressively acquire steeply undervalued real estate properties due to previous mismanagement or undercapitalization. <B>Management: </B>Senior executives with diverse experiences, including: Fortune 500 corporations, leading stock brokerage firms, real estate companies and national marketing. <B>Goals:</B> To increase assets to $10M by January 98 and $50M by mid-year <B>Address:</B> 1401 Elm St., Ste. 1818, Dallas, TX 75202-2925 <B>Internet:</B> <FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>E-Mail:</B> <FONT COLOR="#0080c0" SIZE=3><B> </B><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=3> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3><B>Quote: </B>Yahoo! Remington-Hall<B> </B> Except for the historical information contained on the website, the matters set forth inthese documents are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbour" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to risk and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof and the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements. <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> </PRE><
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