l3T m3 0n +h3 l12+!! The time to think about the world is now! I am by far not even close to an environmentalist. In fact I hate those types but they do have one point . . . pollution! Pollution in corporate America is what kill more men than AIDS. You have to slow this. You are the outraged youth and YOU are the Future! Get your head out of your ass and learn all you can. We cannot fight the genocide that is happening in our world if we cannot prove it is going on. Search and you will find these evils. The information generation is here, without it all of man kind could die by the year 2050. I may not be here to suffer the agonizing death that awaits but guess what . . . you will. We can only save this world by connecting and spreading the word. Corporations are prepared to exterminate us all and retire to their own little world. They fed us all with lies about how they are concerned but in reality they are planning for it. They are stashing food and supplies all over the world for their own version of doomsday. The big businesses will build an empire of technology around you and slowly kill you. They will have the world to them selves at no means. With you dieing in the streets of a toxic overload they will sit back in their hideaways enjoying the rest of their lives! You can stop them and only you. Expose their secrets. Find the proof we need to wipe them out for good! Or you all will die in their dream world! What I am shooting to you in so many words is that the world needs hackers to find out what is going on behind our backs. I am saying that the masses need to know what the rich ass holes in their little dream world want to do with us. How would you like to wake up one morning and everyone in the world is dead? This is what hackers need to stop. We the people of the world need to stop all of this shit! Technology is a force witch the United States Totalitarian government must deal with. Everyone exposes the truths they hide from the people who live here! No longer can a police officer kill a man in cold blood and pretend that it never happened. The age of computers and mass media expose the hard core facts of the governments' brutal murders and deadly tempers. So what has happened to this world which they control us and beat us into their beliefs? The truth is that we have discovered "Big Brothers" little tricks! We are the truth of tomorrow! We see what the fascists of American government do when they plan to kill those who appose them. People like you and me tell those who will expose these truths to the citizens of our country. We serve our prison time for exposing these truths but hell. There is not even as many of them to kill us all as we are the world. Please understand that there is much in this world you do not yet know, the murders that have happened and the killing that will come. The time to think about this is now! You are sitting at a cross roads of life with the age of world freedom at your finger tips. What are you going to do about it? Learn about the world around you! Peep into their private little lives! I am not afraid of them, they must frame me for any thing they could ever arrest me for! They are stupid that way, but you can take the knowledge that you see and stop the killing! You can support the abolishment of the forming of the New World Order! Simply use your knowledge to see what is up! Expose this information to whoever can use it. Let everyone in the world know what is going on. People in our government hate us. Have you ever asked your self why? I will tell you why our government hates you. The truth is that you are young and smarter at twenty and twenty-one then they will ever be. You know information that they were hidden from. Are you tired of being called the problem with the world? Clinton calls us the problem, The Republicans all call us the problem, Dole called us "the only problem" WHY? We are smarter then them! That is all they are complaining about! I mean they are afraid of us all. They increase the fear of technology every day by printing evil headlines about "invasion of privacy" and thefts! These stories are mostly fiction! The real hackers do not care about the private sector . . . well they do but not to "steal" from them. The truth in it all is that anarchist computer users are only interested in information. Public people do not have this information and there for are not in danger! That is what we all need to explain to everyone. That is what all of the world should know. So why do people fear us? It is big business that is afraid. They have secrets that the people of the world CANNOT know! They are evil in so many ways it makes people sick. We expose these secrets! That is why they fear us! The corporations of the world do not want people to be free. They want you all to be stupid and to live in fear. They distort the truth of reality. Big businesses are trying to rule the world and fear us of exposing that! They create propaganda against us, and lie about us to the public. They have us arrested and thrown in jail for exposing their secrets to the world. However, together we can all stop them! To organize and inform these evils. To break down these lies and start a world of passing truths! You have never seen the world behind what these corporations show you. Do you want to? The truth is that this is the ugliest world in any ones' mind. All you have to do is look for it. When you see the ugliness then you must show it around. Give a glimpse of this evil to everyone in the world. Collapse what is wrong and there will be the entire earth to thank you for their lives.
participants (1)