Re: Britain to ban free use of crypto? (fwd)
[This message was run through an anonymizer as a spam-blocker. My .sig is at the end.] "Peter D. Junger" <> stated:
After a very quick reading of this proposal I am convinced that all it would do if implemented by legislation that follows its recommendations would be to forbid those who are in the UK from using an unlicensed key escrow services.
It quite clearly does not intend to ban the use of cryptography or the publication of cryptographic software.
FWIW, the speaker from the UK government at CFP '97 described the proposal in almost exactly these terms. And tried to make clear that greater bans were not on the agenda, at least for now. A. Michael Froomkin | +1 (305) 284-4285; +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax) Associate Professor of Law | "Cyberspace" is not a place. U. Miami School of Law | P.O. Box 248087 | Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA | It's warm here.
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