Dear One Nation supporter in NSW, Pauline Hanson has been banned from using council facilities in her electorate of Blair. The Labor-dominated Ipswich City Council, the heart of Pauline Hanson's seat of Blair, has returned to their old politically motivated tricks against the One Nation party. With the recent Queensland State Election turning the mainstream parties on their heads the word has gone out - do anything that you can to deny One Nation their right to a "fair go". The Council allowed One Nation to use their facilities after a 6 month long ban following the breaking of a council hall window at the party's launch by protesters in April 1997. The ban was imposed on the basis of "protecting council staff from danger". http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb/news/onenation/launch.html An example of recent (1998) pre-state election use by Pauline Hanson of the Ipswich City Council facilities can be seen at: http://www.gwb.com.au/onenation/qldstate/polaunch/index.htm at the above link Pauline Hanson launched One Nation's state policies without any security problems or risk to council staff. One Nation used Ipswich City Council facilities on several occasions this year without any protesters even making an appearance. The basis of "fair go" and "freedom of assembly" is equity in decision making. At a recent Labor Party meeting One Nation members demonstrated peacefully outside the council venue yet no such threat or withholding of council facilities to Labor has been suggested - nor should it. Following the State Election the rules have apparently changed. The Ipswich City Council this week rejected an application by Pauline Hanson's One Nation to use council facilities on the basis of "concern for the safety of staff". The mayor of Ipswich, John Nugent, was one of those voting against One Nation's use of council facilities. This is laughable as the last time protesters appeared at a One Nation meeting was over a year ago in June 1997. One Nation has (to ensure council staff safety) offered to supply private security and ensure that sufficient police are on standby - this offer has been rejected. The link below will take you to an image of one of the chief protagonists, Councillor Paul Tully, a Labor supporter who has made it his life ambition to destroy what Pauline Hanson and you stand for. http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb/news/onenation/gold/tully.jpg Can we let him win? I don't think so. I appeal to you to write, in the strongest terms possible, to the local Ipswich paper, The Queensland Times. Their email address is: qt@gil.com.au Remember to keep your letter to under 200 words to ensure publication. Issues to look at: ================== 1) The damage to Ipswich's reputation through these undemocratic antics. 2) Freedom of speech. 3) Labor's underlying undemocratic motives. 4) What role the ratepayers who voted Hanson have been allowed in on this decision by the Labor council? I encourage you to send the Queensland Times an email letting them know how YOU FEEL about the Ipswich City Council's decision to prevent Pauline Hanson from using ratepayer's facilities. GWB Scott Balson
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