Re: RSA in perl illegal to export (Re: Junger et al.)

There are t-shirts out there with both human readable and machine readable (bar code) versions of the RSA in 3 code.... Wear it when boarding an international flight.... They even state that they are a munition and ITAR controlled in BIG letters on the back...
Or take out a classified ad (so to speak) in the New York Times and have it published on paper. Jeff

On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Jeff Nisewanger wrote:
There are t-shirts out there with both human readable and machine readable (bar code) versions of the RSA in 3 code.... Wear it when boarding an international flight....
Or take out a classified ad (so to speak) in the New York Times and have it published on paper.
Woo! This sounds like an easily doable, easily managable mass protest. We start a mailing list or website (a website would be better) of volunteers and the newspapers they intend to place ads in. Major papers would hopefully get multiple copies of the ad in multiple sections. All on the same day. But then, they often charge per word, and one gigantic string of nonsense might not obey any newspaper's rules. But I like the idea of organizing a classified add campaign, or such. Blitzing the nationwide press with a large number of tiny notes, all one day. Maybe instead they could all contain a URL, pointing to a carefully written, agreed-upon, readable and fairly exhaustive collection of info about the issues at hand. Well, maybe they shouldn't all point to the same machine.... Ferget just signing petitions, dammit. Petitions are for wimps. Ask folks to participate by buying an ad. I mean, communication is what a lot of us here specialize in. And in our protocols, we have Alice and Bob writing out hundreds of anonymous money orders, broadcasting public keys via radio from prison, and hiding love letters in GIFs of farm animals. Surely there's enough imagination here to turn even a small fund into a very effective PR campaign. -Caj
,oooooooo8 o -- o888' `88 ,888. 888 888 ,8'`88. 888 "The user's going to pick dancing pigs 888o. ,oo ,8oooo88. 888 over security every time." `888oooo88 o88o o888o 888 -Bruce Schneier ____________________8o888'_________________________________________________

At 12:47 AM 7/9/98 -0500, Xcott Craver wrote:
We start a mailing list or website (a website would be better) of volunteers and the newspapers they intend to place ads in. Major papers would hopefully get multiple copies of the ad in multiple sections. All on the same day.
If there is any real interest in doing this as a group, I'll be happy to setup a web site and a mail list for this. Does newsprint from most major US papers still qualify as "A small group of internet users manufacturing and distributing tons of high end munitions for export overseas?" -- Robert Costner Phone: (770) 512-8746 Electronic Frontiers Georgia run PGP 5.0 for my public key

Robert writes:
If there is any real interest in doing this as a group, I'll be happy to setup a web site and a mail list for this.
and Jim Choate said similar. A constructive comment: in my obeservation setting up mailing lists for mini-projects is a sure way to reduce the number of participants in the project. A few years back when we were all cracking RC4, it was done right here on the cypherpunks list. There were no new lists created. I suspect that the CPU resoureces contributed benefitted orders of magnitude due to this as people got swept up in the fun of it and joined in. (I won't volunteer Perry's list as he tries to keep it focussed and I suspect a few hundred posts on adverts and PR would result in him turning up the squelch). So I suggest use cypherpunks list (*). (subscribe to with message: subscribe cypherpunks, for those on cryptography). If we had on the other hand started a list, I suspect a few dozen might have subscribed, and the rest of us would have forgotten about it, and heard no more feedback on it. Lets go for it, I'll join in also, but please in the interests of it's chances of success, keep it to the cypherpunks list. Some comments on the thread of what would be most effective: Anyone with a tame PR expert they can quiz about the best way to maximise publicity: - what stunt would create most publicity - who in the press should be contacted - which computer companies and who to contact with in them to donate funds if funds are required (eg advert) it may be for example that plenty of publicity can be had for free with a suitable stunt, if media can be interested. Perhaps (or perhaps not) Peter Junger could be involved, or referrenced to tie the two togther in the presses mind, and he would perhaps make a good person for media hacks to interview also. Adam (*) Or if someone gets keen perhaps a filtered version of cypherpunks selecting only posts on this topic might be useful to a few people -- cpunks is high volume.
participants (4)
Adam Back
Robert A. Costner
Xcott Craver