[PGP-USERS] ANNOUNCING: Georgia Cracker Anonymous Remailer

Hi all- Here is Andy Dustbin's replacement for the dustbin remailer, one which was quite reliable during the time it was up. Add this one to your lists. You can get the keys from the remailer. The good news is Andy intends to eatablish another nym remailer. We need more of these. Fred /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Fred B. Ringel -- Rivertown.Net Internet Access Systems Administrator -- Voice/Fax/Support: +1.914.478.2885 PGP- Public Key -- email: fredr-pgpkey@joshua.rivertown.net Although in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice, in practice, there is. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 00:42:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Andy Dustman <andy@CCMSD.chem.uga.edu> Subject: ANNOUNCING: Georgia Cracker Anonymous Remailer Dustbin is dead; long live Cracker! ("Cracker" means more than you think; get out your dictionaries and look up the term as it applies to the SE US, or specifically GA. ;) Here is the vital data: $remailer{"cracker"} = "<remailer@anon.efga.org> cpunk pgp hash latent cut ek mix reord middle"; Cracker runs ghio-2 and Mixmaster 2.0.4b1. You may notice an extra key stashed in here. It is for the forthcoming nymserver (which I am having a nasty problem with PGPPATH, ARGH!). Don't use it yet; I hopefully will make the announcement tommorrow. Andy Dustman / Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design / UGA To get my PGP public key, send me mail with subject "send file key". For the ultimate anti-spam procmail recipe, send me mail with subject "spam" "Encryption is too important to leave to the government." -- Bruce Schneier http://www.ilinks.net/~dustman mailto:andy@CCMSD.chem.uga.edu <}+++<
participants (1)
Fred B. Ringel