API Specification for the AES
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:59:37 -0500 To: smid@csmes.ncsl.nist.gov From: Jim Foti <jfoti@nist.gov> Subject: API Specification for the AES
As promised, we have placed on our AES Home Page a specification of the API to be used for AES submissions (for both Java and ANSI C implementations). It is available at <http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/api/api.htm>.
As with past messages, this is being sent to all persons who have expressed an interest in the AES development effort (one way or another) within the last year.
Regards, Jim
******************************************************************* Jim Foti
Security Technology Group Computer Security Division National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST)
TEL: (301) 975-5237 FAX: (301) 948-1233
participants (1)
Bill Stewart