GodLess Capitalists - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! ___________________________________________________ "Centralism is dead," says Hayek; however, according to Friedman, it is not so much centralism that is dead, but rather the futility, and subsequent genre, of centralism. Dialectic construction states that government is capable of truth, given that culture is distinct from sexuality. Gonzalo implies that we have to choose between the textual paradigm of discourse and dialectic cultural theory. It could be said that the primary theme of Fielding's essay on Saussurean semiotics is the failure, and hence the rubicon, of patriarchialist truth. "Class is part of the collapse of reality," says Lyotard. In a sense, the example of dialectic construction prevalent in JFK is also evident in Heaven and Earth, although in a more mythopoetical sense. Habermas promotes the use of the textual paradigm of discourse to attack colonialist perceptions of language. In the works of Vinge, a predominant concept is the concept of neocapitalist consciousness. But Lacan uses the term 'Saussurean semiotics' to denote the role of the observer as participant. The subject is interpolated into a structuralist paradigm of expression that includes truth as a totality. If one examines the textual paradigm of discourse, one is faced with a choice: either accept dialectic construction or conclude that expression must come from the masses, but only if the premise of semiotic theory is valid; otherwise, truth is part of the praxis of sexuality. Hughes holds that we have to choose between Saussurean semiotics and dialectic construction. Milhon's critique of the textual paradigm of discourse suggests that the task of the reader is social comment. --Herr Doktor Prof. T.C. May, Ing. See, I told you Tim May knew about that sort of crap. Now, Greg Broiles told me that he knew T.C. May, and I'm no Tim May, and I don't know all those fancy, intellectual words, but I've never found anything that couldn't be adequately described using the eight words you can't say on the InterNet, so I'm going to tell you all about why the GodLess Commies kicked the MindsOfTheMassesAsses so bad that that RockyFeller figured that if he could discover the secret of the BullShitVic Schtick, he could finally realize his dream of having more Dogamned money than the Pope. Marx and Stalin and Lenin and Chairperson Mao knew all about that 1984 stuff about controlling the people by controlling the language and symbolism. They also understood, like I explained before, that you don't want your NewOldLady looking at a picture of her old boyfriend while you're sticking your dick in her, so all of his crap, like his old love- letters and the shirts he left behind, has got to go. Even more, the GodLess Commies knew that it wasn't enough to just throw the OldBoyfriend's shit out, you had to 'deconstruct' your NewOldLady's memory of him, even if you had to wipe her fucking mind out with electroshock and make her listen to tape-loops. That RockyFeller kind of knew that, since he was doing the couch- circuit with all of the Movers&Shakers around the globe, no matter what their schtick was, but wasn't smart enough to figure out all of that stuff on his own, and besides, he was pretty busy counting his money, and that's why he paid the I.S.P.'s GodLess Commies to figure out the best way to put the BullShitVic Schtick up the butts of the masses via the medium of the media of Radiating Radio Waves. The Radio Project's GodLess Commies didn't have much money to count, so it didn't take them long to figure out the obvious, which is that you don't fuck with a winning game. So they figured that 'abolution of culture' could be accomplished by making intellectual content of the medium as close to zero as possible, and that they could 'determine the new cultural forms' of the listeners by Pavlovian repetition which would eventually lead to the listeners drooling on command. Of course, as always, the increasing 'alienation of the population' remained important, since people with a strong sense of belonging in a family, community, social structure, etc., still had a picture of their BoyFriend by their beside, figuratively speaking. The techniques to make people increasingly 'radio-minded' was to reach it's epitome in later years, with the invention of the TV-tray, which enabled families to abandon any pretense, whatsoever, of their family ties being stronger than their imaginary bond to Lucille Ball and Ricky Ricardo. [WAS: Fuck mom! I LOVE LUC!] It was no coincidence that one of Franklin Delanor Roosevelt's main avenues of application of Madison Avenue Plain Folk Imagery was his FireSideChats on the medium which had become a RichCommieFeller tool for seizing the hearts and minds of the masses. After all, FDR owed much of his power and success to Elanor knowing whose ear to blow into in the Eclectic Communist Community of the day. The main difference between the Bolshoi Political Ballet in Russia, and the Communist TakeOver Of America, was that there was no need to remove the heads of the politicians in power and the capitalist Money Mongers, because the politicians and the MoneyMongers *were* the head of the Commie/Fascist TakeOver Of America. * To: cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer) * Subject: A Thousand Points Of Fight (fwd) * From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com> Forwarded message:
From: Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC <lreed@west.cscwc.pima.edu> Subject: A Thousand Points Of Fight
federal government. Communism now represents a threat to no one in the United States, while federal tyranny represents a threat to EVERONE.
An all powerful federal government IS communism. Communism is the political theory that property ownership and management must be centralized under a single authority. While our current state is moving more toward a fascist approach, private ownership & central mananagement, with the increasingly extensive federal management of private business & behaviour. See, I told you so... An Exercise For The Reader #487: Call up an international arms dealer and tell HimOrHer that you need some guns and tanks, and stuff, to start a war or a revolution, and that you don't have any money, but you'll pay HimOrHer after you win. Right... The Movers&Shakers (TM) don't fall for the old GoodLeader/BadLeader crap that is pushed to the public. They have a foot in the door of all of the major players backrooms and merely switch their 'allegiance' to one or another of the players once the final outcome of the game becomes obvious. Neither Lenin nor Hitler borrowed money from 'dad' to start their war/revolution. They got the money from the ever-present SugarDaddies who have adopted children scattered all over the globe. Likewise, SugarDaddy's BigKids in the Military and Intelligence Agencies may fight among themselves over who sits on SugarDaddy's knee, but when those outside the family start butting in, then the CIA and the Mafia, for instance, call a truce to take care of family business. SugarDaddy loves his GoodKids and BadKids equally... Neither do the BigKids in SugarDaddy's CorporateEmpires let petty little details like wars that their own children are fighting interfere with BusinessAsUsual. ("Be careful out there, son, we just sold the Nazis ball-bearings for their tanks, through Brazil of course, after you bombed their ball-bearing factories. "Here's some extra spending cash for next time you get leave. ou've earned it..") * To: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@ns.minder.net> * Subject: Re: A Thousand Points Of Fight (fwd) * From: Frederick Burroughs <riburr@shentel.net> * Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM Jim Choate wrote:
An all powerful federal government IS communism. Communism is the political theory that property ownership and management must be centralized under a single authority. While our current state is moving more toward a fascist approach ,private ownership & central mananagement, with the increasingly extensive federal management of private business & behaviour.
Indeed, Marx's final stage of classless society, "from each according to their ability to each according to their needs", implies a level of government management that was all but impossible during his lifetime. The technology required for this level of management now exists, and is being implimented. "Classless society" has been achieved, not by the dissolution of classes, but by the development of technology to a level that can assign each individual into his own class. Technology now allows the optimum utilization of each individual by the state. Loners can voice their objections at the US Capitol... Fast Freddy 'Son of Speed' Burroughs illustrates that paying the extra few bucks for a priority connection to the ClueServer pays off, in the long run. He recognizes that somewhere, in an underground bunker, a Reptilian Nazi is humoring his ScaleOfTen buddies by using the latest in secret lavoratory developed technology to create a cross-clone being that has the MindOfMarx, the BallsOfHitler, and the LipsOfGeorgeBush, which are intoning, "We *have* the technology!" All this shit was in 'The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre' in 1989, but hardly anybody knew what the fuck was being talked about. (I could insert quotes that illustrate this, except I don't have any copies of it, since ThievingFuckingMountieCriminalPricks stole my computers, which is why I am in the middle of fucking them so bad that they will never be the same, afterwards. I was minding my own business, sitting at home telling the Truth over the InterNet, when they decided they just had to fuck with me, so fuck them in thier dirty, crimininal little assholes...) Anyway, what TXCSM said, in a nutshell, was that the success of TotalWorldDomination being achieved by the Controllers was merely dependent on development of the right tools, and tweaking them, and that TV and the InterNet were the right tools. WebWorld & The Mythical Circle of Eunuchs was just written as a fun look at a possible FutureTimeLine&SpaceWave, since The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre had already said everything that needed to be said, if one chose to listen. InfoWar was written mostly as a cross-communication tool between Circle of Eunuchs Gorilla Cells, keeping one another updated on each other's progress. Space Aliens Hide My Drugs is just a rambling, nonsensical diatribe that results when you finally snap, and decide that any Reptilian Nazi that fucks with you is going to be repaid in Spades, perhaps even Aces&Eights, since I am playing with a deck that is a little *too* full, if you know what I mean. Regardless, to get back to answering the question that Declan, GodLessSchill of the TrilateralCPU, asked, about why I send this crap to the CypherPunks...it is because those who make this list their home instinctively know what I have been preaching since 1989--and no doubt some of them have been preaching it since long before that--the InterNet is going to be the Final Frontier of the Battle for Freedom and Privacy between the Controllers and the Citizenry. The CypherPunks understand: "THE (TM) *have* the technology." WeTheSheeple have been getting their asses kicked on the Frontiers of Rights & Freedoms, without even seeming to realize, for the most part, that they are in a fight. Fresh From The ClueServer: Even the Nazis didn't start the CattleCars openly rolling to the Auschwitz Spa & Resort until they were in a position of total control. It is *not* OK that the government is taking away our rights and freedoms, as well as our means to defend ourselves against them, because they are *our* government, because they are the GoodGuys, because they have GoodIntentions, because they are only FuckingUsALittleBit(ForNow), because we are *comfortable* and ThingsAren'tReallyAllThatBad(et)... Think about what *you* have done, personally, to guarantee the continuation of your rights and freedoms. Think about whether you deserve any rights or freedoms. (es, *deserve*...they ain't, contrary to popular opinion, free for the taking...) Think about why the government continues a WarOnDrugs which has been completely ineffective in stopping drug use, in the least, and has only resulted in the imprisonment of more of our citizens than the most evil of dictators that the RoyalWe point our fingers at, as well as high crime rates, and the wholesale slaughter of our youth. Could it be because the government knows exactly what they are doing, and *desire* these results? Good Guess!!! The same goes for the majority of the ills and evils that are part and parcel of the road that our political leaders have led us willingly down. They are no more a mistake than the technology of Radio and TeleVision being directed towards mindless drivel, mass hypnosis and social control programming. While WeTheSheeple sell our souls, our independence, our rights and freedoms, for the comfort and security of being spoon-fed our reality, while being 'protected' from the GreatEvils that the Controllers have promoted or invented in both our MeatSpace and our MindSpace, They (TM) have been busy little beavers, butchering minds and lives in a quest to gain an extra inch, here or there, in the battle for the minds of all of humanity. I want you to all rise from your chairs, open your windows, and scream, as loud as you can, "I've got a DICK, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Well, OK, maybe that's not such a good idea, but you know what I'm talking about, eh? Anthrax - Smoke 'em if you got it...
participants (1)
Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC